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Disclosure: The writer owns shares in Fairfax
If the Senate passes the cross-media ownership package this week, Australia’s richest and most powerful resident, Kerry Packer, could add the Fairfax papers and magazines to his television, gaming and investing empire. The most powerful Australian born man in the world, Rupert Murdoch, could add Network Ten or Seven to his global newspaper, film, and sporting empire and enlarge the already awesome power of his Australian newspapers.
What would follow from this?
1. Australian media would be so dominated by the two men that only the ABC could, if it dared, subject the empires of either to independent scrutiny. Murdoch and Packer are no longer arms-length competitors – they are partners of mutual convenience. Their media outlets do not investigate or independently report the activities of either man. They jointly own Foxtel, the only viable pay TV channel, and their sons got together to invest in One.Tel. You can be sure that they’ve already carved out the media between them, just as they did some years ago before the deal fell apart over Super League.
2. In Sydney and Melbourne a Packer takeover of Fairfax would destroy the sole remaining independent commercial mainstream media operator in the newspaper industry, and the only one with a charter of editorial independence which requires non-interference by executive management in the editorial decisions of the editors. All other media outlets, radio and television, feed off the scoops and investigations reported in newspapers, so the Packer and Murdoch empires would largely decide what news powerful people don’t want you to know will or won’t be revealed on radio and television as well as in their newspapers. A campaign on an issue by either the Packer or Murdoch media would be overwhelming, with virtually no possibility of a balancing media debate.
3. Kerry Packer would own Australia’s only business daily and just about every business magazine in the country. He is already feared by the business community because of his power, and has fingers in many business pies. There would thus be no effective scrutiny adverse to Packer’s business or political interests.
4. Packer and Murdoch would between them control all major internet-based Australian news, including this site. They would own Australia’s only two national newspapers.
5. Without Fairfax, the ABC could be left without a defender, and be further harassed by the Murdoch empire. Murdoch’s Australian has already called for the abolition of Radio National, Australia’s only quality ideas and documentary radio. The ABC could be targetted for massive attention by Packer and Murdoch to discourage any reporting adverse to their commercial or editorial interests.
6. In Sydney and Melbourne, the Murdoch/Packer control of the city’s newspapers and two of the three commercial stations would squeeze the other player so badly it might not survive. Cross promotions and cross packages would murder it on ad rates and public visibility. It would be even worse in Adelaide and Brisbane, which have only one daily paper, owned by Murdoch.
Australia already has the most concentrated media in the western world. The passage of this bill would end any semblance of a free and independent press. You choose – Packer, Murdoch, or a besieged ABC. Political parties would be at the mercy of the big two. Their power would decide the public discourse, and even what the news is and isn’t. The merger of big business and big media with no competitive counterpoint means the big business agenda will dominate the public agenda.
And remember, the commercial media industry is virtually unregulated. There’s no remedy if their coverage is biased, unbalanced, censors legitimate news, refuses to investigate legitimate news tips, or abuses its editorial power for commercial advantage. At a time when people are crying out for more power in the political process, and more say over their lives, this profoundly undemocratic bill would close them out of the loop even more completely.
Australia’s journalism union strongly opposes more concentration of media power. Just about every journalist in the country – including those working for the big two – agree wholeheartedly. There’s nothing worse for courageous journalism and journalist’s ability to insist on ethical standards than a further concentration in media ownership. The less scrutiny of the big two, the more they can get away with in their own newsrooms.
In the United States, where Murdoch has many competitors in the newspaper game, Republicans and Democrats have just combined to condemn the proposed lifting of cross-media rules. The extraordinary aspect of the debate here is that the government appears confident that the four independent Senators will ensure its passage. These four – Tasmanian independent Brian Harradine, ex-Labor Tasmanian independent Shayne Murphy, ex-Democrats leader Meg Lees, a South Australian, and Queensland One Nation Senator Len Harris – know better than most the dangers of too much power in too few media hands, because they know what it means to be frozen out of coverage on big media. Tiny players deliver more power to mega-players? What is going on? Is this naivety, or what?
The pathetic aspect of the dealings that communications minister Richard Alston has done with the four is how little they’ve got. It’s crumbs, that’s all, the odd gesture to ordinary people which a government which cared about them would deliver anyway, but sees the need only when they’ll further the interests of big media. Alston agreed to make it a condition of regional TV licences that they broadcast local news. Many have closed down their local news service, and the government should have imposed a condition long ago.
Then there’s the ABC. Meg Lees has got a commitment for cash to extend News Radio’s coverage in the regions. This is almost obscene – a taxpayer funded bribe to deliver more power and more profit to the big boys, after Alston refused point blank to increase ABC funding in the budget.
Let’s look at the mandate question. Shayne Murphy was elected as a Labor man, and Labor remains firmly opposed to more power for Packer and Murdoch. It’s taken enormous political courage to oppose this bill, and Labor fears the consequences if it gets through. Guess who’ll owe John Howard big time for the next little while?
Meg Lees was elected a Democrat, and the Democrats have always opposed cross-media reform which would deliver more media power to the big two. They too are showing enormous courage this time round in opposing the bill.
The really interesting one is Len Harris. As well as strongly opposing cross-media changes, One Nation is virulently opposed foreign ownership of Australian companies, yet Harris is supporting the removal of all media foreign ownership limits. This means Murdoch would be free to take over a television station and foreign companies would be free to buy media properties.
The first time I met Pauline Hanson was in the middle of the last big cross media debate, in Howard’s first term, when she asked me in a corridor encounter: “So how are you going with your work? I hope you’re still safe from Packer.” This was some time after I’d done an ABC panel discussion opposing a Packer takeover of Fairfax. (At that time, the government wasn’t proposing to abolish foreign ownership, so Murdoch could not have bought a TV station.) My book Off the rails: The Pauline Hanson trip records:
“Those remarks brought a flood of congratulatory letters from One Nation supporters and a call from the proudly redneck National Party member for the North Queensland seat of Kennedy, Bob Katter, praising my “courage’. One Nation’s internet propagandist Scott Balson called to say he was lobbying Hanson to speak out on behalf of Fairfax. Hanson’s adviser David Oldfield rang, the first time we had spoken, to run a draft press release by me.
Hanson’s 26 June press release on cross-media ownership aligned the free speech arguments for an independent Fairfax with the trouble at her public meetings. It was truly unnerving that the National Party and One Nation – whose constituencies would never see the small ‘l’ liberal Sydney and Melbourne-based Fairfax papers – joined the Democrats in their total opposition to Packer owning Fairfax and their support for a diversely owned free press.
With an unregulated industry, only competition between media groups keeps them honest. Yet despite the institutional democratic responsibilities of the media, both major parties in government had no qualms about a crunching of media ownership. Only the minor parties – the relatively powerless ones – gave a damn.”
Len Harris, it seems, has got a commitment to more community radio in exchange for his vote. How sad. This will be the most important vote he has cast since his election in 1998. The vote of a representative of Pauline Hanson’s ultra-nationalist little people to allow foreign takeovers of our media and a huge boost in the power of the powerful people Hansonites love to hate would be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in federal politics.
Brian Harradine, however, has thrown a spanner in the works. He proposed an amendment last Friday which would ban anyone owning a newspaper and a TV station in the one capital city market. This clever amendment crystalises the terrible potential consequences of this bill, and the responses from the independents and the Government will be fascinating to hear. Today Alston avoided a question on Meet the Pressabout the possibility of Packer vastly increasing his media power by taking over Fairfax.
And guess what – neither Packer or Murdoch have said a word about their plans if the bill gets through. The Australian people have no idea what might befall them before our elected representatives deliver them this gift, and you can bet no journalist working for the big two is trying to uncover that information for us before the vote.
Stand by for frenzied last-minute lobbying on all sides. Debate is scheduled to begin on Tuesday.
PS: The Fairfax board supports the cross-media bill. Because of the Fairfax commitment to editorial independence, I am able to express these opinions. Would I be able to do so if Kerry Packer took over Fairfax?