No clothes, John, but what a spinner!

The Prime Minister’s spin on today’s Mike Seccombe ethanol scoop (PM’s officials labelled as ethanol spies) is so transparent, so predictable, so lame and so typically cowardly that he really is, now, doing little more than exposing his complete contempt for any voter with a brain by even trying it on.

Now we have coal-face Australian embassy staff at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) joining that long line of public servants, ADF personnel, anonymous advisers and sundry Howard fall-takers who have in their bemused day been subtly maneuvered, by this most devious of Prime Ministers, into absorbing the worst of whatever the scandal of the day may, or may not, bring down.

Here is what Honest John had to say today about our Free Market government’s poxy case of retrograde, 1950s, State-mandated protectionism, as reported in the Herald. Watch how the firewall manoeuvre, in all its magnificent subtlety, is set in motion, just in case it turns out to be needed later. My bold:

But Mr Howard said there was nothing wrong with the phone calls.”What the embassy was doing, and I’ve no doubt it made inquiries, what the embassy was doing the normal thing that a post would do because the government was considering a change of policy to remove the excise exemption,” he told Sky News. “Whenever a decision like that is taken some companies benefit, and some companies are disadvantaged. I am sure that inquiries were made, that was an entirely routine proper thing to have been done.”

Mr Howard said the information gathered was routine, about the size of the shipment and its planned departure time. He said the government may have first heard about the shipment from Manildra. “I think in factthat we first would have heard from Manildra about the possibility of the shipment coming,” he said. “I’m not the least embarrassed about the fact the embassy made inquiries, that’s their job.”

Now it may seem on the face of this that the Prime Minister is defending the embassy staff for their ‘four phone calls a day’ zeal here, but that is wrong. He is only ‘defending’ the embassy staff in the same way that Max Moore-Wilton ‘defended’ the Royal Australian Navy and Defence Department people on the day he announced his own retirement as head of the Prime Minister’s Department, when he was quoted on kids overboard in an Australian article by Dennis Shanahan (18 December), as follows. My bold:

“I understand the criticisms, and, of course, mistakes were made. But all of the people concerned did what they could to the best of their ability. I stand by them 100 percent. There was no malice.”

Again, it sounds like Moore-Wilton is defending the RAN and the bureaucrats. In fact, by introducing the idea that they need to be defended, he is doing precisely the opposite – setting them up, in a gutless mock-innocent way, for him or his successors, should future developments require it, to shaft them completely.

Webdiary readers may recall my Christmas Letter to our Leader, in which I requested the PM to take on board full and explicit responsibility for all aspects of Operation Relex, precisely because the games his team were playing had become so obvious. It came as no surprise to me, then, when I read this Shanahan interview just a few days after Liberal minister Mrs Danna Vale had acknowledged receipt of my PM’s letter. In turn, I sent her this further email. Introducing it here will help amplify why the PM’s comments in ‘defence’ of the embassy staff today are nothing of the sort, are equally just a grubby preliminary act in the now-standard firewall process. My bold:

From: Jack Robertson, BALMAIN NSW 2041

To: Ms Nicholls, Electoral Office for Ms Danna Vale, MP

Information copies: All Federal MPs and Senators; the Parliamentary Press Gallery

18 December 2002

Dear Ms Nicholls,

Thank you for acknowledging receipt of my letter to the Prime Minister, of 14 December 2002, in which I expressed serious concern over unanswered Human Rights Watch allegations of brutality during Operation Relex made against our Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Ms Nicholls, in this holiday period, I would be grateful if you could urge Ms Vale to bring this matter to the attention of the Prime Minister as a matter of considerable priority. I draw your attention in particular to press reports today of imminent preparations for war (although noting the PM’s comments on them), and suggest that it would be unfair of us to deploy our men and women to Iraq with any allegations hanging over their heads.

On what I can only consider a more ominous note, I noted the recent resignation of Mr Howard’s Cabinet Permanent Secretary, Mr Max Moore-Wilton, and was particularly unsettled by his comments on the so-called Children Overboard affair quoted in the front page article of today’s Australian as follows: “I understand the criticisms, and, of course, mistakes were made. But all of the people concerned did what they could to the best of their ability. I stand by them 100 percent. There was no malice.”

Ms Nicholls, I would be grateful if you would ask Ms Vale to stress urgently to the PM that, in fact, despite these words, Mr Moore-Wilton is actually NOT standing by anyone ‘100 percent’, as he is now heading off to some lucrative and unaccountable position in private industry (arguably, in a similar way as did Mr Peter Reith last year). Since, also like Mr Reith, Mr Moore-Wilton was a very powerful and influential man at the very epicentre of Operation Relex, the last election campaign and what can only now be described as your government’s sloppiness, incompetence, recklessness or economy with the truth, its wilful ignorance, and/or the outright malicious dishonesty that resulted from this combination during the kids overboard matter, you will naturally understand my growing anxiety as to whether or not the men and women responsible for exposing our ADF people to the allegations in the Human Rights Watch Report are truly committed to standing by them.

As you may be aware, Ms Nicholls, when a public official or politician starts to say things like: ‘I stand by my subordinates 100 percent’, even as they cut and run, it is usually the time to start watching your back! And if I may be perfectly frank, I personally do not believe anything Mr Moore-Wilton says, I do not ever trust him, I do not think he should have been a senior public servant in the first place, and I do not believe he cares one bit for anyone else in Australia but himself. (I do, on the other hand, think that he is a liar, a thug, an intellectual coward, a bully, a wrecker and an opportunist.) Naturally, you will understand why I am so keen not to allow any member of our ADF to be screwed by him, and similar non-military people, in any way.

To that end, Ms Nicholls, please urge Ms Vale to bring my growing concerns, and the respectful requests I make of the Prime Minister in my previous letter, immediately and urgently to the appropriate people’s attention, in particular to that of Mr Howard, and Mr Moore-Wilton himself, who naturally will remain responsible for any and all of his decisions and actions during his time as Prime Minister’s Department head long, long, long after his appointment technically expires on Friday.

Ms Nicholls, thank you for your prompt and courteous response in the first instance.

Jack Robertson


Nothing further from Mrs Vale, and sure enough, with utter predictability, just a few months later, that great and fearless and honourable ex-Public Servant Max the Axe – with his fat public purse payout tucked snugly in his bank account, and with his fat snout now buried deeply and safely in the utterly-unscrutinised pig-trough that is the newly-privatised Australian Airports Free Market Game – showed us what he meant when said he was ‘standing by the kids overboard crew 100 percent’. This from the Sunday program’s 64th birthday special on the PM a few weeks ago. My bold:

JOHN LYONS: The Government’s position on the so called “children overboard” issue also polarised the nation. Clearly, sections of the government misled the public but supporters of the government now blame the defence forces.

MAX MOORE-WILTON: In future I think the defence force including he captain of the vessel should be more careful in the reports they give to their superiors because the one thing that’s never been said, I think clearly enough was, this report would never have past unless the captain of the vessel at the time had said something. Now the captain of the vessel has been regarded by the senate and others as a semi hero.

Forgive my by-now standard bile, Daniel Moye, but I put it to you and fellow conservatives and small ‘l’ Liberals that Mr Max Moore-Wilton, like everything he represents, is a foul, opportunistic destroyer of Westminster conventions and principles, and a self-incriminating enemy of the health of Australian civic life.

But I digress. My more relevant point is to demonstrate the pattern, to show more clearly why I am contemptuously sceptical of the PM’s apparently sincere ‘defence’ of embassy staff and their exposed role as politically-manipulated ‘spies’ in this matter.

Notice how the PM’s language becomes abstract in tense and voice, oh-so-subtly disengaging itself from the actuality of the Manildra case – as if our PM is an aging Sir Robert Menzies conducting a fatherly tutorial in Westminster & Civic Administration 101, rather than an incumbent Prime Minister caught red-handed misusing DFAT channels and assets to enable rank political favouritism, and then misleading Parliament thoroughly about it. Such is Howard’s now-instinctive capacity and appetite for removing himself from the specific consequences of his style of governance when the specific consequences of his style of governance backfire on him. Examine the habitual way that he says: “I have no doubt (the Embassy) made enquiries”, and “I am sure that enquiries were made” (as if he is musing on detached first principles), instead of saying simply: “Yes, the embassy made enquiries”, and “Yes, enquiries were made” (as he surely knew and probably directed then, and as he in any case absolutely would know now).

It’s precisely the same mode of speech as when he generally preferred to argue: “If a country like Iraq is allowed to keep WMD, it would be dangerous if we did not invade”, rather than the more concrete: “Iraq has WMD, so we must invade”; and “I don’t want the kind of people who throw children overboard in this country” rather than: “These people threw children overboard, so I don’t want them here”.

Executive government by foolproof Motherhood statement, firewalling-as-you-go.

The truth on Manildra? My guess is that the Prime Minister, or more probably one of his tame anonymous underlings, picked up the phone (or whatever) last year and left relevant embassy staff in no uncertainty about what he required – hard, specific information about this shipment, way above and beyond the ‘normal routine thing’ of DFAT practice. However it was done, all such instructions would have naturally been conveyed in that soft, clubby, oh-by-the-way off-the-record mode, the greasy cogs of our once frank and fearless and proper Public Service turning ever-more easily and automatically at his unspoken wink-and-nod, lubricated as it has been by long years of politically-loaded appointment and patronage. Precisely the same way as Howard fixers spoke by phone directly to the Commanding Officer of the SASR at the height of the Tampa crisis and various naval Captains during Operation Relex intercepts, equally doubtless leaving these coal-face operators in no doubt of the lack of policy compromise he demanded (regardless of their own on-the-spot operational judgements), and yet equally leaving almost nothing on the official Public Record for Parliament or his Citizens to nail him down with later.

So, my prediction on this latest buck-passing outbreak is hardly rocket science: if Ethanol-gate proves to have any legs at all with the public (if it gets past Howard’s first defence, that of public apathy), then ultimately – once the Prime Minister’s Department has directed DFAT to conduct an internal enquiry into what commercial spying (tut-tut) the Embassy staff did in fact do at the government’s behest – it will transpire that some staff were perhaps a little zealous in their pursuit of information; that inexperienced junior DFAT personnel possibly overstepped the bounds of the DFAT ‘routine proper thing’, blah blah blah. And so ‘lessons will be learned’, and ‘procedures will be tightened’, and somewhere deep in the lower reaches of DFAT, another few decent and honest public servants who tried hard to do the right thing on an unwritten wink-and-a-nod basis will have the Westminster scales torn from their eyes, and learn to make bloody well sure that they get something in bloody writing next time around. And hell, the PM will possibly even say something statesmanlike and magnanimous and generous to wrap the latest storm-in-a-teacup up in his usual relaxed and comfortable, populist, Public Opinion-proofing, prophylactic persona.

Such as: “Well, obviously, Kerry, in the end I have to take full responsibility for these small errors of judgement at the Embassy, even if perhaps they went a bit overboard (whoops!) on their Trafigura enquiries. And I do that, I really do. I mean, it’s my responsibility in the end, I accept that, of course I accept that. And you know, our DFAT people are truly excellent people, and I stand by them 100 percent. But I mean, you can’t expect Old Bailey standards of perfect judgement all the time, especially given that our DFAT staff are under so much pressure in these uncertain TERROR times.”

And then The Australian’s editorial writers will write another mildly wrist-tapping apologia and a wink-wink call for tighter accountability next time, and then a Janet Albrechtsen will line up and have another go at us sad, nit-picking Lefty wannabe elites for our ‘anti-Howard obsessions’, and then Paul Kelly will drone on over the weekend in his sanctifying way about how the ALP is missing the point on Manildra anyway, which is the Howard government’s on-going failure to fully re-embrace economic reform, and blah blah blah.

And the whole thing will blow over, and the government will have got away with lying through its teeth once more, to cover its bum for blatantly feathering the nest of its big end of town mates, in a dirty and hypocritical Protectionist episode that makes a total mockery of the vicious treatment meted out not so long ago, by this government, to every battling waterfront worker who ever had an alsation dog set on him in the name of ‘global economic competitiveness’.

And Howard’s popularity ratings won’t budge an inch, and white will turn a darker shade of black, and one day, pretty soon, when someone grown-up and honest in the government or public service says: “Terror alert!” and it’s actually for real, not one of us will take them at their word, anyway.

Again, sorry sorry sorry to harp, but this relatively minor kerfuffle has it all. It captures beautifully the cowardly, corrosive, buck-passing, arse-covering sickness of this now out-of-control and civically-bankrupted gaggle of conmen and women we call Federal Government. Howard’s personal tactical armoury, and thus that of the entire crowd, is now nothing but a grab-bag of all our most base Human instincts. Division, populist stirring, bureaucratic delay and ‘security’ suppression, policy hypocrisy and piecemeal opportunism, waffling obfuscation, faked conviction, endless condescending exploitation of the battler, the Anzac, the non-existent Ordinary Australian.

Howard is like a school-yard gossip-stirrer, setting up fight after fight after exhausting, community-cleaving fight, and then standing back to await the arrival of the schoolmarm – Electorally-Usable Public Opinion – so he can lord it up as the Statesmanlike Teacher’s Pet, well above the domestic fray. (“Hey, I’m not saying I believe this myself, Penny, but I heard Timmy say that Betty said that maybe Jimmy said that you said that refugees are terrorists and we should reintroduce Capital Punishment so we can get the bastards who did this! Eh? Eh? Eh?”)

And there, too, are all the other kids in the playground – there’s Peter, and Phillip, and Brendon, and Amanda, and Tony, who all should know better – all playing his dirty game, even jumping in there defending the grubby little bastard whenever anyone who is not in his gang catches him at it red-handed, as Costello is defending now. There’s a deputy mug born every second, I suppose.

Oh look, maybe I am obsessed now, and maybe this sort of transparent tosh doesn’t matter to most people – especially when it comes to mouse poo like ethanol and public moneys and rich, industry-protected Liberal Party donors. But it matters a hell of a lot to me, because it represents a pattern, and the more and more I observe the way this gutless government firewalls its way clean out of any hint of electoral trouble (whether it be Iraq reconstruction casualty-grief, or WMD lies fallout, or kids overboard, or Education Report censorship, or plasma TV or phone card mischief, or whatever), the more I worry what such shameless adroitness might one day mean, when it comes to assuming full responsibility for what our soldiers, sailors and airmen might or might not have been forced to do during Operation Relex.

All in the name of an uncompromising, election-winning Border Protection beat-up.

Howard meets Honan: You be the judge whether he lied about it

For a full view of this image, click on the link directly below.
- Ethanol timeline
-Pop-up graphic: Record of meeting between Howard and Honan

John Howard said yesterday while defending his alleged deception of the Australian people last year in Parliament over ethanol that “I look forward to the next occasion when I submit myself to the judgment of the Australian people alongside the Leader of the Opposition”.

Hey, you don’t have to wait that long. Here are his answers to the questions asked in Parliament last September, and yesterday, and the document which unravelled his decision – whether he technically misled or not – to withhold the truth about his dealings with Mr Honan from the Australian people. Judge for yourself whether he’s a truth teller or a tricky deceiver. To end, Laura Tingle’s latest expose of how quickly Howard jumped to Honan’s tune last year, published in the Australian Financial Review this morning. The Sydney Morning Herald will have a good new yarn on the scandal in tomorrow’s paper, courtesy of our own Mike Seccombe.


17 September, 2002

Ms BURKE: Prime Minister, was the government contacted by the major Australian producer of ethanol or by any representative of his company or the Industry Association before its decision to impose fuel excise on ethanol? If so, when? Was the government urged to take action to prevent Trafigura Fuels Australia from importing a shipment of ethanol from Brazil at a commercially competitive price?

Mr HOWARD: Speaking for myself, I did not personally have any discussions, from recollection, with any of them. I would be very surprised, in relation to a matter like this, if representations had not been made by all of the interested parties to various levels of the government – in fact, I would be quite amazed.

18 September, 2002

Mr McMULLAN: Prime Minister, yesterday, in answer to a question of whether the government had been contacted by the office of a major Australian producer of ethanol before making the decision to impose fuel excise on that product, you answered that you had no personal recollection of any such discussion. Will you now advise the House whether, in the past month, your office received any such communication, whether in person or by telephone, fax, letter, email or other means?

(Government interjections)

The SPEAKER The member for Fraser will commence his question again.

Mr McMULLAN: Prime Minister, would you advise the House whether, over the past month, your office received any such communication, whether in person or by telephone, facsimile, letter, email or any other means? If so, when?

(Government interjections)

The SPEAKER: … The member for Fraser has the call and will commence his question again.

Mr McMULLAN: Prime Minister, were you or your office urged to take action to prevent Trafigura Fuels Australia from importing a shipment of ethanol from Brazil at a commercially competitive price?

Mr HOWARD: The answer I gave yesterday was based upon recollection of personal contact with me. I cannot tell you, without checking, whether somebody in my office got a fax or a telephone call or read an AAP report.

Mr Crean: Go and check.

Mr HOWARD: I really do not know… I will be very happy to have a look at whether there were any communications. I think I may have said yesterday that it would not surprise me if there had been communications from that company. Why not? This is a democracy, after all. Let me say that this idea that there is something criminal or sinister and that a company or a citizen who believes that an event is going to disadvantage them commercially has no right to put a view to the government of the day – this idea that if they do put that view it is a crime or something sinister or corrupt – is absolutely absurd.

…Just for the record, I have been informed by the Minister for Trade that the first time he heard about it was when a lobbyist for the company that was importing the ethanol from Brazil informed a senior member of the minister’s staff at a Canberra function. I suppose we should have a criminal investigation into that as well. I will have a look. As far as I am concerned, I am quite happy to disclose to the House that I know Dick Honan. He is known to a lot of people in the parliament. He is known to a lot of people opposite. I know that and they know that I know it. I think this is absolutely ridiculous but, for the purposes of the record, I will check the faxes, I will check whether I have messages and I will also check the AAP wire – I will check it now and I will check it in two hours time as well.

19 September, 2002

In answering another question, MR HOWARD said:

This is perhaps a good opportunity, seeing as the company Manildra was mentioned by the Leader of the Opposition, to answer the question that was directed to me yesterday by the member for Fraser. The member for Fraser asked me some questions about communications between Manildra and my office. In the time available, I have had a search made and this is the latest advice I have. I put it in that conditional sense because sometimes – as the member will know from his own experiences as a minister – you are not always given the full story right at the very beginning. Bits and pieces turn up later on, and you have to be careful. That is not said negatively; it is just a fact of life.

The member asked me what communication my office had with Manildra relating to the decision to change excise arrangements for the ethanol industry. As I stated earlier, I had not spoken to Dick Honan on this issue. I have, on checking, found that a number of letters were received on this general issue – not just on ethanol but on the general issue. In fact, my office received 16 in all, from different sources, from January until now. Some of these dealt with the shipment from Brazil while others dealt with options to promote the ethanol industry more generally. My office did receive a letter from Mr Honan but that letter was not passed to me. I point out to you that I receive 2,400 letters a week and I have to say that not each of them is drawn personally to my attention…



Parliament, August 11

Mr CREAN: Prime Minister, do you recall telling the parliament that you had not discussed ethanol policy with Mr Dick Honan prior to your announcement on 12 September last year – a policy which has already benefited Mr Honan’s company to the tune of over $20 million in the last year? Prime Minister, doesn’t the record now show that a meeting between you and Mr Honan did take place on 1 August 2002 and that it involved discussion of ethanol policy? Prime Minister, why did you mislead the parliament and the Australian people on this very important issue?

Mr HOWARD: The question that was asked of mein fact there were several questions asked of me – related specifically to a shipment coming from Brazil. The meeting I had with Mr Honan on 1 August did not relate to that issue. I do not believe therefore that I have misled the House, and I reject the allegation that has been made. All of the questions that I answered in this series of questions were in the context of the shipment by the company, Trafigura. I would remind the Leader of the Opposition that the series of questions commenced with a question asked of the Treasurer by the member for Fraser, and it said as follows:

My question is to the Treasurer and concerns last week’s government announcements concerning the ethanol excise. Treasurer, can you confirm that Trafigura Fuels Australia’s contract to import ethanol was excise free when it was signed?

Then there was a question asked of me by the member for Chisholm, Anna Burke, which said:

My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, was the government contacted by the major Australian producer of ethanol or by any representative of his company or the industry association before its decision to impose fuel excise on ethanol? If so, when? Was the government urged to take action to prevent Trafigura Fuels Australia …

All of these questions were in the context of the importation of that shipment from Brazil by Trafigura. They are all in that context, and it was in that context that I gave the answer that I did. I do not believe therefore that I have misled the parliament because, when I was asked these questions, I did not know of Trafigura’s importation nor indeed is it my understanding that Mr Honan knew of it. As evidence of that, on 28 August, Mr Honan wrote to me drawing attention to this shipment and arguing that a certain course of action be followed. In fact, I disclosed the existence of that letter during the series of questions I answered, so I reject the claim made by the Leader of the Opposition.

Mr CREAN: I refer to his last answer in which he claimed only to have been answering questions on a shipment of ethanol from Brazil. Prime Minister, is it not true that the question asked of you on 19 September made no reference at all to the shipment of ethanol from Brazil and that you responded by saying that you had not spoken to Dick Honan on the issue of excise arrangements for the ethanol industry? Given that you did meet with Mr Honan on 1 August to discuss ethanol policy, why do you continue to mislead the parliament and the Australian people about the discussions that you had with Mr Honan?

Mr HOWARD: I do not continue to mislead the public. The context of these questions was the shipment from Brazil. I did not know anything about the shipment from Brazil when these questions were asked nor, apparently, did Mr Honan. In fact, it is my understanding that the first time anybody in the government became aware of this was around 21, 22 or 23 August, which was three weeks after I met Mr Honan.

Mr CREAN: My question is again to the Prime Minister and I refer the Prime Minister to his answer on 19 September last year when he told the parliament:

The member asked me what communication my office had with Manildra relating to the decision to change excise arrangements for the ethanol industry. As I stated earlier, I had not spoken to Dick Honan on this issue.

Prime Minister, given that the record now shows that you did meet with Mr Honan on this very issue on 1 August 2002, why do you continue to mislead the parliament and the Australian people in saying you did not have a discussion with him on this issue?

Mr HOWARD: In answer to the Leader of the Opposition, this issue to which I am referring is the decision which was made and announced on 12 September by me, which triggered this series of questions in parliament, which of course was based on the pending importation of the shipment from Brazil.

On 12 September we announced certain arrangements which withdrew the excise exemption and introduced a production subsidy, and the pattern of the package of questions that began to be asked on 17 September sought to draw a link between that decision and some allegedly improper support for the Manildra company. The big revelation that the Labor Party is talking about was a meeting between me and Mr Honan on 1 August.

Mr Crean: Which you said didn’t happen.

Mr HOWARD: Of course it did, and that actually goes to the very nub of the issue because the answers I gave about not discussing this issue with Mr Honan were based on the fact that we did not discuss that issue, because, as the Leader of the Opposition helpfully interjects, neither of us knew about it. Therefore, we could not have discussed it.

Mr LATHAM: I will refer to his answer on 19 September last year when he advised the House that he would check whether he had spoken to Dick Honan in relation to excise arrangements for the ethanol industry; not the Brazilian boat but excise arrangements for the ethanol industry. The Prime Minister informed the House that he had ‘not spoken to Dick Honan on this issue’. Did the Prime Minister check with the departmental officer present at his meeting with Mr Honan on 1 August 2002, with the written record of that meeting dated 2 August, or with any of the seven departmental officers that received a copy of that record? Why was the Prime Minister able to find 16 letters on the ethanol issue and report those to the parliament on 19 September but was unable to find his departmentalrecord of the 1 August meeting with Dick Honan?

Mr HOWARD: As I have already indicated to the House, these questions were asked and the answers were given in the context of the shipments from Brazil. That remains the position.

Mr LATHAM: Again, I refer the Prime Minister to his answer on 19 September last year when he said that a search had been made and checks undertaken of communications between his office and Manildra. The Prime Minister assured the House that he had not spoken to Dick Honan on the question of ethanol excise arrangements. When did the Prime Minister become aware that he had in fact spoken to Dick Honan about ethanol excise and that his department had prepared a record of his meeting with Mr Honan on 1 August 2002 detailing this very fact?

Mr HOWARD: The context in which these questions were asked – and let me remind the member for Werriwa of the question asked by the member for Fraser of the Treasurer on 17 September:

My question is to the Treasurer and concerns last week’s government announcements concerning the ethanol excise. Treasurer, can you confirm that Trafigura Fuels Australia’s contract to import ethanol was excise free when it was signed? Can you also confirm that the government’s new arrangements, introduced after the contract was signed and entered into, will impose a crippling $5 million excise bill on a contract which was excise free when it was signed?

Then the first question to me on that same day, from the member for Chisholm, which elicited the comment which I continue to hold to, that I had not discussed this matter with Mr Honan, was in these terms:

My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, was the government contacted by the major Australian producer of ethanol or by any representative of his company or the Industry Association before its decision to impose fuel excise on ethanol? If so, when? Was the government urged to take action to prevent Trafigura Fuels Australia from importing a shipment of ethanol from Brazil at a commercially competitive price?

Plainly, that question was about the behaviour of the government in relation to that shipment. That is the context in which this was asked. That is the context in which I gave the answers I have given, and it is why I asserted then and I continue to assert that I have not misled the House. The whole thrust of these questions is to try and allege that by this decision we had done some kind of special favour for a particular company.

Mr Crean: That’s right.

Mr HOWARD: ‘That’s right,’ he says. You can always rely on the Leader of the Opposition to helpfully interject. He said, ‘That’s right.’ That was the whole thrust. I have demonstrated that at the time I had this meeting with Mr Honan, on 1 August, I did not know about the Trafigura shipment; neither, apparently, did Honan.

Mr Crean: You didn’t know about it.

Mr HOWARD: Once again, helpfully, the Leader of the Opposition has interjected, saying, ‘You didn’t know about it.’ I did not know about it then, and that is why the answer that I gave was palpably correct and why I have not misled the House. The strange thing about the allegation that we have meant to have done enormous favours for Dick Honan is that the two things that Mr Honan’s company wanted most of all were, firstly, for the government to mandate

Mr Latham: Mr Speaker, on the question of relevance, the Prime Minister has been going for some time now and he has not once mentioned his answer on 19 September, which was the sole purpose of the question that I put to him.

The SPEAKER: The Prime Minister was asked a question about the search for records in his office on the question of meetings with the Manildra Groupas I noted it, about dates and conversations. By any measure he is referring exclusively to Manildra exercises and is relevant.

Mr HOWARD: Continuing what I was saying, the argument is that we have done some special deal for this company. The two things that this company has advocated and lobbied – not only the government but, I suspect, also the opposition – fairly actively over the past few months are, firstly, for the government to mandate a minimum use of ethanol in a blend of petrol and ethanol, and, secondly, they have argued vigorously against the imposition of a 10 per cent cap, because they are, in fact, blending ethanol up to levels of 20 per cent. Has the government acted in response to either of those pieces of advocacy? No. The government has not mandated a minimum. The government, a few months ago, having got proper scientific advice on the matter, introduced a 10 per cent cap for ethanol. So not only does the opposition leader have his facts wrong but he has his conspiracy theory wrong as well.

Mr CREAN: My question is to the Prime Minister. In your answer on 19 September you stated:

I have, on checking, found that a number of letters were received on this general issuenot just on ethanol but on the general issue. In fact, my office received 16 in all, from different sources, from January until now.

Prime Minister, if the issue you were referring to in your answer today was simply that related to Trafigura and, as you have also admitted today, no correspondence was received by your office until about 20 August last year on that issue, why did you disclose the existence of documents going back to January but not disclose your meeting with Mr Honan on 1 August?

Mr HOWARD: I remind the Leader of the Opposition of the central reality of this issue, and that is that the context of the questions asked of me was the shipment from Brazil. Those opposite interject, but it was they who framed the questions. I did not frame the questions; the tactics committee of the opposition framed the questions. They framed the questions about an ethanol shipment, and the reason they framed them about a shipment from Brazil was that I had made a statement five days earlier and they thought, ‘Aha, this is a conspiracy between the government and Mr Honan and Manildra. He’s made this statement, and we will ask a whole lot of questions.’

Well, I am quite happy: if the opposition wants to ask me questions about an issue, I will answer those questions, and I have made it plain that the context in which I answered these questions was the context in which they were put to me, and that was in relation to this particular shipment. I disclosed particularly the existence of a letter from Mr Honan dealing with the shipment, because, quite apart from anything that may be said by the Leader of the Opposition, I had absolutely no difficulty in disclosing to the House that I had received a letter from Mr Honan on 28 August about the Brazilian shipment.

So, if he had specifically raised the Brazilian shipment with me during a personal conversation, why would I not with ease have mentioned that? In other words, if I had no reason to suppress public knowledge about the letter about the Brazilian shipment, why would I have had a reason to suppress the existence of a conversation about the Brazilian shipment? It is obvious that the discussion I had on 1 Augustwhich has the opposition salivatingwas not about the subject matter of their questioning, and it is equally obvious that I have not misled the house.

Mr CREAN: My question is to the Prime Minister. I ask: does he recall his comments in August 1995 when he said:

We want to assert the very simple principle that truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life.

So said the Prime Minister. But with commentators like Andrew Bolt saying that the Prime Minister has betrayed himself and the parliament by not telling the truth about his meeting with Mr Honan, isn’t it time, Prime Minister, to fess up and be man enough to admit that you got it wrong, that you did meet with Mr Honan but that you told the parliament you hadn’t?

Mr HOWARD: Even in his questions the Leader of the Opposition cannot get his own assertions correct. The fact that I met Mr Honan is not in dispute. It is not in dispute. I am not the only one who has met Mr Honan. You used to meet him fairly regularly when you were a minister in the Keating government. That is not the issue. The issue is whether what I said in parliament regarding the shipment of ethanol from Brazil was correct, and nothing that the Leader of the Opposition has said, after 45 or 50 minutes of questioning, has altered the fact that I did not discuss the Trafigura shipment in my meeting on 1 August with Mr Honan. That was the basis of what I said then and that is the basis of my continuing to reject the absurd claim by the Leader of the Opposition.

Mr CREAN: My question is to the Prime Minister. I ask: does he recall saying in his time in opposition:

The simple principle … here boils down to whether the man holding the supreme office in this country tells the truth to this Parliament or not.

If the Prime Minister really were the national leader he aspires to be, he would be big enough to come into this parliament and say, ‘Look, I’m sorry; I got it wrong.’ Why is the Prime Minister never big enough to live up to these words, never big enough to come up into the parliament and say, ‘I’m sorry; I got it wrongwrong on kids overboard and now wrong on ethanol and the meeting with Dick Honan’?

Mr HOWARD: The question of what sort of leader I am is a matter for the Australian people to judge – not the Leader of the Opposition and not me. I am very happy on all occasions to submit myself to the judgment of the Australian people and I look forward to the next occasion when I submit myself to the judgment of the Australian people, alongside the Leader of the Opposition.


PM’s office in ethanol paper trail

by Laura Tingle, political correspondent

Australian Financial Review, 12/08/2003

Facing repeated allegations that he had misled parliament over his dealings with the Manildra Group, Prime Minister John Howard yesterday told parliament that the company and its chairman, Liberal Party donor Dick Honan, had not got what it wanted from his government.

But new documents show the federal government last year responded within days to suggestions by Manildra that it should develop a multimillion-dollar production subsidy for ethanol to protect it from a looming shipment of Brazilian ethanol a few weeks later.

The revelation comes as Mr Howard was yesterday forced to defend repeated claims that he had misled parliament over his dealings with Manildra in the lead-up to making a decision that favoured the company last September.

But according to documents received by Labor Senator Kerry O’Brien under a Freedom of Information Act request, the government’s decision to exchange an excise exemption for a domestic production subsidy which made Brazilian ethanol imports uncompetitive fulfilled requests put to the government in August last year when news of the shipment broke.

The executive director of Manildra’s lobby group in Canberra, Bob Gordon, wrote to a number of government figures, including a member of Mr Howard’s staff, on August 21.

This was three weeks after Mr Howard had held a one-on-one meeting with Mr Honan to discuss protection from Brazilian ethanol imports the meeting he did not disclose to parliament and which is now at the centre of claims that he misled parliament.

“To the best of our ability, our industry has been monitoring, through contracts in Brazil, the possibility of fuel ethanol imports into Australia,” Mr Gordon wrote.

“Our association has, for some time, been advocating moving biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesels from the existing excise scheme to a producer credit scheme funded by fuel excise revenues.

“We have reliable advice from Brazil that a significant shipment of fuel ethanol from Brazil is scheduled to be delivered to Australia in September.

“We would be grateful for an early opportunity to discuss the issues and options associated with imports of biofuels, preferably this week.”

Other documents show that the then head of the Prime Minister’s Department, Max Moore-Wilton, spoke to Mr Honan within the following days and personally set up and chaired an interdepartmental committee to oversee the implementation of the change in policy.

Mr Moore-Wilton’s intervention had already got under way at the time Mr Honan then personally wrote to Mr Howard seeking the same policy change a letter the Prime Minister told parliament last year he had not personally seen.

Question Time yesterday was dominated by questions to Mr Howard about why he had told parliament on three separate occasions in September last year that he had not discussed the ethanol industry with Mr Honan and his company, when records now revealed the one-on-one meeting in August.

Mr Howard stuck to his defence that his answers were “in the context” that Labor had asked specifically about the decision taken in the wake of the specific Brazilian shipment, which had not been discussed with Mr Honan on August 1.

But the Opposition Leader, Simon Crean, said the Prime Minister’s code of conduct “says that if a minister misleads, whether knowingly or unknowingly, he has the obligation to come in and correct the record immediately”.

“We know why he did not want to correct the record. It was because the discussions and decisions that were being taken were to the significant advantage of a friend of his.”

Nelson hides behind Sir Humphrey

The Government is systematically destroying its education department in retaliation for daring to tell it the truth about its higher education policy – that poorer and mature age students are being turned away.

The annihilation of truth – this time perpetrated in the name of education minister Brendan Nelson – has also exposed the new public service head and former education department head Dr Peter Shergold to the charge that he not only doctors reports he doesn’t think the minister wants to read, but shamelessly misleads the public with Orwellian assurances that the public service is strong, apolitical and fearless and the government likes it that way.

The children overboard affair raised deep suspicions that the public service was now reduced to yet another government spin machine, but the doctored report scandal confirms it in spades. It also confirms that yet another institutional check and balance on the abuse of government power is on the verge of destruction.

Today a timeline of the scandal, the latest Herald stories disclosing the censorship, the nonsensical letter from new department head Jeff Harmer trying to weasel the minister out of trouble, Shergold’s recent shameless eulogy to dead public service values and transcripts of Nelson’s point blank refusal to answer any questions on the scandal in Parliament. I have never seen a minister so brazenly hide under the skirts of his department head as Nelson did in Parliament today. The only reasonable conclusion is that the minister has something to hide.

The big question in my mind is: Does the government not want Australians to know the facts or is it that it doesn’t want to know itself? Is it so ideologically determined to privatise universities and make the user pay regardless of circumstances that it closes its own eyes to the truth? Is spin the only priority? Is the government so corrupt that it will only see facts which justify its pre-determined position? Does it care at all how its policies affect Australians?

The scandal has all the hallmarks of children overboard, down to the startling fact that Nelson’s media adviser, Ross Hampton, is the very same Ross Hampton who helped Peter Reith lie his way through the election campaign on children overboard. You’ve got “plausible deniability”, you’ve got advisers calling the shots and supposedly not telling ministers and you’ve got a public service which wants to tell the truth sat on and spat on by senior public servants whose chief loyalty is to the government, not to the truth and not to the Australian people who pay them.

The Herald will report the latest body blows to the department tomorrow. The Government is in the process of dismantling the department’s research section to ensure it doesn’t hear what it doesn’t want to hear again. Officials who tell the truth when asked, and write the truth when briefed, are on the run. Much better to employ consultants who know their job is to tell the government what it wants to hear and get paid handsomely to sell their souls.


Table of contents:

1. Scandal timeline

2. SMH report yesterday

3. Brendan Nelson’s statement to Parliament yesterday

4. SMH report today

5. Nelson’s question time stonewall today

6. The report’s alleged censor, public service chief Peter Shergold, tells the people the public service is fearless and honest and ministers like it that way.


ITEM 1 – Doctoring a report

May 10-August 27, 2001

The National Report on Australia’s Higher Education Sector 2001 and other reports commissioned by the Department of Education Science and Training.

March 2002

Draft chapters made available to external consultants and departmental officers and meetings held.

March 31, 2002

In-house work concluded.

April-May 2002

Report ready for publication; alert and briefing note to minister prepared; key sections pulled under instruction from the Secretary of Nelson’s department DEST Dr Peter Shergold, according to senior departmental officials.

19 March, 2003

Labor Senator Kim Carr puts a question on notice to Education Minister Brendan Nelson asking why the report had not been published and why the cost of the consultancies were not declared in the Department’s annual report as legally required.

June 5, 2003

Under questioning in Senate estimates on the suppressed report. Department officials say it has been with the Minister since the first quarter of 2003 and the other reports have been reclassified ‘for Minister’s eyes only’.

July 23, 2003

The National report, as doctored, is posted on Department website.

August 5, 2003

The Department issues a press release denying that parts of the report were deleted on political grounds.

August 8, 2003

Two more reports previously “for Minister’s eyes only” are posted on DEST website.

August 11, 2003

Brendan Nelson tables a letter in Federal Parliament from Department Secretary Jeff Harmer saying he (Harmer) had not ‘not formally’ briefed the Minister before 23 July 2003.

August 12

Nelson avoids all questions on the matter in Parliament.


ITEM 2 – Sydney Morning Herald report yesterday

Nelson hid uni fee risks, say officials

by Aban Contractor

Sydney Morning Herald, 11-8-2003

The Federal Government hid from the public the adverse effects of raising university tuition fees, current and former Education Department officials said yesterday.

Reports prepared for the year-long debate on higher education were meant to be published at the same time as the Government’s first Crossroads discussion paper in April last year, they said. The reports were ready about then, they said.

A senior source, who asked not to be named, said they showed the risks of policy approaches, such as charging higher fees, on poorer students. “The Minister [Brendan Nelson] chose not to make it available for the public debate,” the source said.

On Friday the Department of Education, Science and Training posted two of the reports on its website. One looked at the impact of increasing Higher Education Contribution Scheme fees. The other examined student access and quality. Each page is stamped “Draft”.

A media release says Dr Nelson wanted them published because “it is in the public interest”.

This followed last month’s release of another report, The National Report on Australia’s Higher Education Sector 2001, which was dubbed for the Minister’s eyes only, after it was written. It was published on the website after politically sensitive sections were deleted.

Another senior Department of Education, Science and Training official suggested the research was flawed and should be used with caution. This angered many in the department, especially because some of the authors have been cited in respected international journals.

Labor’s public service spokesman, Kim Carr, said the department’s research and evaluation branch had a reputation for quality research and the reports were always intended for publication.

“The branch has now been broken up, its funding cut back and its research capacity crippled,” Senator Carr said.

“We are entitled to know who ordered the reclassification of this research and on what date, and what was the involvement of the Minister and his office.”

HECS and Opportunities in Higher Education found that changes introduced in 1996 reduced the number of older people applying to study at university by about 17,000 a year. The number of school leaver applicants fell about 9000 a year.

It also showed that a person on an annual income of $30,000 paying off a HECS debt lost about $15 a week in disposable income. That increased to about $50 a week for those earning $50,000.

Dropping the HECS repayment threshold from $28,495 to $20,701 caused particular harm, and was more likely to have deterred people from combining work and part-time study.

“Persons within this income range experienced falls in disposable incomes of between $12 and $24 per week,” the report said.

The number of men from poorer families studying in the most expensive courses such as law, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science had dropped significantly, by 38 per cent.

“The lesson from this study is that any future changes to HECS arrangements would need careful design to minimise their impact, particularly among groups more sensitive to student charges,” the report said. Newcastle University said yesterday that one of 15 international students accused of plagiarism had graduated and could not be disciplined.


ITEM 3 – Statement to Parliament yesterday by Brendan Nelson, and the letter he tabled.

The Sydney Morning Herald today imputes that I or my office has withheld and/or amended reports produced within my department in relation to reports that have been examining, in particular, the impact of HECS on student participation in higher education. By way of clarifying these issues and explaining why I have in fact been misrepresented, I table a letter dated 8 August 2003 which sets out all of these issues from the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training. (Margo: Note he says nothing in his own defence, or in defence of his office, and instead hides behind the letter of his department head.)


Hon Dr Brendan Nelson,

Minister for Education, Science and Training,

Parliament House,


Dear Minister,

I am writing in the context of recent media reports about the publication of the National Report on Higher Education 2001. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an accurate account of the circumstances relating to the preparation and publication of the report.

In early 2001 the Department decided to begin preparation of such a national report as a retrospective look at policy developments and other changes in the higher education sector during the decades 1992 to 2001. The report was intended to be a companion volume to the 1993 National Report on Australia’s Higher Education Sector which examined the decade 1982 to 1991.

The Department subsequently commissioned a number of contributions from people in the sector including recently retired vice-chancellors and researchers with particular expertise. The report also drew on a wide range of internal Departmental material, both published and unpublished. Numerous Departmental officers were involved in drafting and editing various parts of the draft report.

A number of drafts of the national report were compiled between 2001 and the publication date of the final report on 23 July 2003. In around April 2002 work such as professional editing, formating and indexing was begun in preparation for the publication of the national report.

In November 2002, or thereabouts, the Department took the decision to remove material regarding HECS that has recently become the subject of media reporting. This decision was made because of the Department’s concerns in relation to the methodological difficulties inherent in analysis of this kind and the incompleteness and inconclusiveness of some of the findings which meant that it did not have a valid place in the report.

The Department’s concerns relate to the small size of the effects observed in the analysis, the difficulty of disaggregating other factors from any HECS-related factors and our inability to quantify the likely impact of statistical changes over the period studied. The Department’s reluctance to use the above material in the context of the national report was strengthened by the fact that the analysis had not been published, nor subject to wider scrutiny or review by experts in the field.

An interim draft of the national report was provided to the Higher Education Adviser in your office in late December 2002 for information and comment. I would stress that the Department had already taken the decision to remove all material relating to unpublished internal Departmental analysis before that draft was provided to your Higher Education Adviser. The material relating to the impact of HECS was edited out of this and subsequent versions by the Department. The Department received no feedback from your office on that draft. Revised drafts were handed to your Higher Education Adviser progressively from March 2003 onwards. Between March and July 2003 your Higher Education Adviser suggested some minor changes, largely of a stylistic or grammatical nature.

Some of your adviser’s suggestions, along with other further edits initiated by the Department, were incorporated in the final version of the national report in July 2003. On 23 July 2003 we provided advice to you that the national report had been published on the Department’s website. You issued a media statement on the same day announcing the publication of the report.

I would like to make it clear that the report was purely an initiative of the Department and was not begun or prepared with any consultation with you or your office with the exception of the relatively late and minor input from your adviser as noted above. I can confirm that you were not formally briefed on the report by the Department at any time before 23 July 2003.

I trust this information clarifies this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Harmer



My comment: Harmer’s reasons for deleting the offending material is classic Sir Humphrey-speak. Don’t like want a report says? Question its “methodology”. Note the statement that “the Department had already taken the decision to remove all material relating to unpublished internal Departmental analysis before that draft was provided to your Higher Education adviser.” This says nothing about any phone calls between the department and the adviser or the minister before the draft was sent. Note the wording “The Department received no feedback from your office on that draft.” Harmer does not rule out “feedback” prior to “that draft”, and fudges the question of what Nelson’s adviser asked to be changed. Note the use of the phrase “formally briefed”. This is classic public service speak – it does not address the question of INFORMAL briefings. Formal briefings are the ones in writing, signed off and recorded. As we learned in the children overboard inquiry, this government doesn’t like formal briefings – it much prefers phone calls or other unrecorded contact.

Why didn’t Nelson issue his own statement setting out HIS version of what he knew when, and what his office knew when, and what he or his office did or didn’t do about the embarrassing report findings? Why has he hidden between a diabolically carefully worded statement from his department? What has he got to hide?

The Opposition wondered the same thing. But the Herald had more…


ITEM 4 – Sydney Morning Herald report today

PM’s man once doctored uni report

by Aban Contractor and Gerard Noonan

Sydney Morning Herald, 12-8-2003

The head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Peter Shergold, intervened to have politically sensitive material cut from an official report on universities when he headed the federal Education Department.

The action to suppress the material before an intense debate on the future of higher education has caused deep divisions in the department.

Senior Education Department officials have said the National Report on Australia’s Higher Education Sector 2001 was completed and ready for printing just before Easter last year, but Dr Shergold insisted that key parts be rewritten or removed.

Current and former departmental officials said Dr Shergold claimed inclusion of the sections would jeopardise the Federal Government’s position that no one would be worse off if it were to introduce new fees under proposed changes to university entry.

The deleted material included figures showing that applications for university entry had fallen since the Government raised fees in 1997, particularly from poorer and older students.

A Senate committee examining the Government’s higher education restructuring plans will begin hearings next month.

Dr Shergold said he could not remember telling anyone to take anything out of the report.

“I certainly don’t have any memory of that.”

Dr Shergold discussed the matter yesterday with the current head of the Department of Education, Jeff Harmer. A spokesman for the department said it was not prepared to speak on Dr Shergold’s behalf.

“The minister has tabled a letter on the matter and we don’t want to make any further comment,” the spokesman said.

The Minister for Education, Brendan Nelson, told Parliament yesterday that the letter he received from Dr Harmer showed he had not seen the report before it was published.

The letter outlined the way the department removed material from the report, saying the research “did not have a valid place in the report”.

Dr Harmer included a timeline showing the department’s actions and its links with the minister’s office.

“I can confirm that you were not formally briefed on the report by the department at any time before 23 July 2003,” the letter said. Parts of the timeline contradict information obtained by the Herald from senior departmental sources and evidence given to a Senate committee in June.

Labor’s research and public service spokesman, Kim Carr, said the officials responsible for the research always believed the material would be made public.

“This is the politicisation process at work where officers are punished for telling Government things they don’t want to hear,” he said.

“These reports were reclassified as advice to the minister in an inept attempt to deny the Senate and the taxpaying public this information.”

Dr Shergold was secretary of the Department for Education between December 2001 and February this year, before he was appointed to his current post, replacing Max Moore-Wilton.

The sections deleted from the report included assessments of data showing a significant drop in the number of poorer students applying to study courses such as law, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science after the Government raised fees in 1997.

The data also showed that since then the number of older people applying to study at university had dropped by about 17,000 a year.

Dr Nelson’s office responded to questions from the Herald yesterday by saying: “The minister has today tabled a letter from the departmental secretary which covers all the substantive aspects of this matter. He has nothing to add to that.”


ITEM 5 – Brendan Nelson in Question Time Today

Question one

Ms Macklin: Why has the minister ignored his own department’s research which found the 1996 increases in HECS ‘reduced demand for higher education among school leaver applicants by around 9,000 students a year’ and ‘lowered demand for higher education among ‘mature age’ applicants by around 17,000 persons per year? Minister, isn’t it true that these damning findings were deleted from the national report on Australia’s higher education sector 2001 by Dr Shergold, the minister’s former departmental secretary and now the head of the Department of Prime Minister and cabinet, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald today?

Dr Nelson: Whilst I thank the member for Jaga for the question, there are a number of quite false assertions in the question.Yesterday afternoon immediately after Question Time I tabled a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and training addressed to me and dated 8 August. The letter said, in part:

I would stress that the Department had already taken the decision to remove all material relating to unpublished internal Departmental analysis before that draft was provided to your Higher Education adviser.

As the letter was tabled yesterday, I presume it has been read by the member for Jagajaga. The real question we seek to address in facing Australia’s future in higher education is … (he spoke at length statement on matters unrelated to the question.)

Ms Macklin: Was Dr Shergold responsible for deleting the findings referred to in the department’s letter that the minister tabled yesterday?

Dr Nelson: My answer again to the member for Jagajaga is that, firstly in terms of the references to editing in the secretary’s letter addressed to me dated 8 August, it is a matter for the department as to who within the department actually did that….(he continued on matters not related to the question.)

Ms Macklin: Minister, did not a departmental officer tell a Senate estimates committee on 5 June this year that a version of the national report on Australia’s higher education sector 2001 was sent to the minister in the first quarter of 2003 and that the department would require the minister’s approval to release the report? How does this fit with what the minister told a press conference on 23 July this year when he said that he had only seen the national report on Australia’s higher education sector that morning after it had appeared in the press? Is this ministerial incompetence or ministerial coverup?

Dr Nelson: This report, which seems to be occupying the attention of the ALP whilst this government is actually thinking about building Australia’s future, was initiated by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training and was produced by the department. Any alterations, as the secretary said, were made before it was sent to my office. It is a 500 page report and essentially the government has been working earnestly on building a foundation for Australia’s future. It was not up until that point a report which I had personally read. Can the Labor Party just get it into its mind that this is a report amongst many reports that the Commonwealth department is doing frequently on a whole variety of issues? As the secretary’s letter says, the report was sent to my office late last year. All I can say again to the member for Jagajaga is: read the secretary’s letter. It sets it all out …. (he proceeds to discuss matters not relevant to the question.)


ITEM 6 – What Peter Shergold told the Australian people about the state of the public service

A mandarin’s rosy view of Australia

by Geoffrey Barker

Australian Financial Review, 31-7-2003

Don’t worry; be happy. Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and Australia’s national government is the best of all possible political and bureaucratic worlds.

Peter Shergold, head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, offered this Panglossian analysis of public service-federal government relations yesterday in an interview on ABC radio.

There was no softening of advice to ministers for political reasons; all advice was “robust, strong, well-argued and, hopefully, timely and accurate”; far from undermining the Westminster tradition, increasingly powerful ministerial advisers were complementing the role of public servants, Dr Shergold said.

Since taking over from Max “The Axe” Moore-Wilton as head of PM&C early this year, Dr Shergold, as titular head of the Federal Public Service, has sought to bring a less abrasive style to the job. But don’t think he’s a softie.

“Public policy is serious,” he said. “These are very profound issues, whether it’s the security of Australia or violence in indigenous communities.

“These are issues on which we should argue across government, within government and, of course, there should be arguments that take place between public servants, ministerial advisers and ministers.”

And don’t think that Dr Shergold would not do the government’s dirty work when necessary.

sure that political decisions taken by the government are being implemented in a committed way,” he said.

“You have to walk a border line. It is almost inevitable that at times you will come under criticism for doing it.

“I tend to speak with a certain amount of passion on issues. I am engaged by them. They interest me. That passion that I bring is often interpreted as being political. In fact, what I am speaking with passion about is the nature of public service, and how important it is to our democratic institutions.”


Damaging uni reports were buried: Labor

by Aban Contractor

Sydney Morning Herald, 5-8-2003

The Federal Government is sitting on at least four more reports on the detrimental impact of increasing student fees, the Opposition said yesterday.

The reports, which are believed to show poorer people are finding it harder to get into university and meet study costs, were handed to the Government up to two years ago.

Yesterday the Opposition accused the Education Minister, Brendan Nelson, of doctoring critical data from publicly funded research in a bid to stymie debate. However, a spokesman for the Department of Education, Science and Training said the reports were in “the nature of internal policy advice prepared for the deliberative processes of Minister Nelson”.

Labor’s education spokeswoman, Jenny Macklin, said the Government hoped to lift fees by another 30 per cent so it was not surprising data showing many people were being priced out of an education had been deleted.

Labor’s public service spokesman, Kim Carr, described the deletions as “further examples of the public service telling the Government things they don’t want to hear and, as a consequence, their reports are no longer for public release”.


Ugly details cut from uni policy report

by Aban Contractor and Gerard Noonan

Sydney Morning Herald, 4-8-2003

Politically sensitive material showing that poor and older students have been hurt by the Federal Government’s higher education policies has been deleted from an official report.

Large sections were cut from the Department of Education document some time between it reaching the office of the Education Minister, Brendan Nelson, last year and being posted on the department website just over a week ago.

Chapter four of the now 380-page report titled Access and Equity has been particularly affected, with whole sections from the original document, including graphics, gone.

Twelve days ago the Herald quoted from the original, which revealed a fall in the proportion of school leavers applying to study at university.

It suggested the rise in Higher Education Contribution Scheme fees could be part of the reason. It also showed a fall in the proportion of older people applying to study, especially those who had not studied before. All of the quotes used have been cut from the version posted on the Department of Education, Science and Training website.

The original report also showed the number of less well-off students taking so-called Band 3 subjects such as law, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science fell sharply when the Government increased tuition fees seven years ago.

It said: “After the changes were introduced in 1997, not only did the numbers of students in Band 3 of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme decline but the proportion from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds was less than previously.” This has also been cut from the version on the website.

A spokesman for Dr Nelson, Ross Hampton, denied the minister had tampered with the report. “There’s been no dialogue, correspondence or any form of discussion between the minister or anyone in his office about the report,” Mr Hampton said.

The Herald was told by a senior government official that the deleted sections had since been deemed “internal research to inform the minister”. Subsequently, they were not for publication and removed from the report before it was given to Dr Nelson.

Current and former senior public servants said that before any report was published it had to go before the minister and the minister’s senior staff.

“Stuff is not published if the minister doesn’t want it published,” said one source, who declined to be named.

Another senior public servant said the snapshot of universities over the past decade, the National Report on Australia’s Higher Education Sector 2001, was completed about 12 months ago and should have been released during the Government’s year-long review of higher education.

Yesterday, Labor’s public service spokesman, Kim Carr, said the deletion of sections of the report was part of a pattern of deceit that began with the “children overboard saga” and continued with Government attempts to suppress a report on hepatitis. “The public service told the Government the truth but the Government sent it back for correction; this is the politicisation process at work,” Senator Carr said.


The privilege of higher education

Herald editorial. August 5

Censorship is a harsh charge. Yet it is hard to see the deletion of sections of a politically sensitive Department of Education document – some time between its arrival on the desk of the federal Education Minister, Brendan Nelson, and its public release last month – as anything but political censorship. Material which showed poor and older tertiary students are being disadvantaged by rising university fees was belatedly deemed “internal research to inform the minister” after it was published in The Sydney Morning Herald. The finding itself is not surprising given the steady shift towards the user-pays principle in Australia’s universities since the tuition fee increases of 1997, and funding declines since. What is alarming is the selective suppression of research which might reflect unfavourably on the Federal Government’s higher education policies.

Good government demands open, informed and continual policy debate. Education and training is the key to Australia’s international competitiveness. One prominent British study concluded that about 80 per cent of future jobs will require skill levels equivalent to a university degree. Yet Australia’s universities and its students are under intense financial pressure, academic standards are under attack, classrooms are overcrowded and the personal debt burden of students and graduates has reached $9 billion.

The Federal Government is committed to ensuring tertiary students – who benefit financially when they enter the workforce – contribute partially or fully to the cost of their education. This is partly in response to the free university years of the 1970s and the rising cost to the public purse that followed. Despite the abolition of fees in 1974 in favour of access on academic merit, universities remained largely the domain of the middle class, and costly fee subsidies became an increasingly costly form of middle-class welfare.

The debate since has been about what is a fair balance between public subsidy and private contribution. The Department of Education’s finding that fee increases are now discouraging poorer and older students – especially away from expensive, high-status courses such as law and medicine – is a crucial part of this debate. Broad access to higher education protects social and economic mobility based on merit and effort – a concept deeply embedded in the Australian psyche. Within the existing user-pays model, barriers to entry to universities could be addressed through means-tested scholarships or fee relief, for example. No solution, however, can be formulated unless all the facts are on the table.

When black is white it’s easy being green

Since political ‘manifestos’ seem to be the order of the Webdiary moment, I’d like to take the opportunity to write in defence of being Green.

To me, voting Green, as I have done in every election post-1990, is much more than just an expression of political support for the only party that seems to be serious about safeguarding our collective ecological future, but that the Greens are such a party is alone enough to win my vote.

Yes, it’s true that the jury remains out on much of the science associated with the hot Green issues – global warming, threats to biodiversity, genetically-modified crops, and so on, but there is already more than enough Empirical evidence on such matters to convince me, a science graduate. The way I look at an issue like climate change is very hard-headed: we can either take the chance that the doomsdayers are right (and there are increasing numbers of them), and thus make major strategic changes now (while they would still have an effect); or we can wait and see. Most scientists seem to think that the ‘Old Bailey jury proof’ on global warming won’t be available for another twenty years or so – by which time, of course, it will probably be too late. And then what? The Greens get to say ‘We told you so’ as a thousand Pacific Islands disappear under the waves?

Sorry, but I’m not prepared to take that chance. What I find bemusing is that so many allegedly ‘practical’ mainstream voters of a more conservative (left or right) bent are – the kind of voters, what’s more, who were prepared to support, on almost no evidence, a speculative invasion and occupation of another country to ‘pre-empt’ a future WMD catastrophe. (Laugh at Greenies like me on far more potentially-disastrous threats, dismiss me as a scaremonger? Curious double-standards here.)

I suppose it’s sometimes easy to ridicule Green tactical excesses – the ‘feral’ aspects of environmental protest, the unorthodox economic theories, the ‘dancing with pixies at the bottom of the garden’. And yet, I have no doubt that future generations will look back upon the turn of the third Millennium, and conclude that the Greens, of all political groupings of our era, were the only ones with their eye on the real ball, the most far-sighted of us all.

Climate change, salination and soil erosion, the looming crisis in fresh water supply, rising sea levels, depleted global fish stocks, the advance of deserts – these are surely not chimeras in a strategic sense, however much we might care to debate the nuances of the short-term numbers. They are real and, arguably now, exponentially-accelerating processes, and only Green parties the world over are placing the finding of timely solutions to them at the heart of their political philosophies, which is what it will take to deal with them effectively. We can argue about Kyoto until we’re blue in the face, but something, ultimately, will have to be done about carbon emissions on the kind of globo-strategic scale that individual, short-term, left-right domestic political cycles simply cannot effect.

The truth is that neither mainstream party in Australia is truly serious about Green issues, and the same is generally true of politics worldwide: Conservatives and neo-conservatives increasingly dismiss them outright, while Progressives usually still pay patronising lip service only, seeing such matters as just another opportunity to rope in a few extra bleeding heart votes by cynical, opportunistic default.

To make a real difference to our ecological future, Green issues must form the bedrock, not the periphery, of a political party’s platform. Legislative aims must begin with the question: ‘What is good for the sustainable future of the planet?’ and then flow from there into all other policy areas – economics, public infrastructure, employment, research and development, education, industry – not the other way around. Otherwise, you might as well not bother.

And it’s for this reason that my support for the Greens as a growing global political force goes beyond matters that are merely ‘ecological’ (if such a distinction is meaningful anyway). Of all global political philosophies available to us, only the Greens’ has a central theme that is, ultimately, still grounded in any meaningful practical expression. You cannot get a more benign and utilitarian and accessible ‘Big Idea’ than the future health of the planet on which we all live.

True, so far, some environmental groups have at times embraced extreme methods and varying degrees of fanaticism – and, yes, ill-judged scare-mongering, too – but as the Green movement has evolved, a startlingly-diverse range of political strands have begun to coalesce around the one central aim of taking care of Humanity’s home. Tree-huggers, farmers, billionaires, students, baby boomer Seachangers, international scientific groups, local mothers clubs, industry leaders, rock stars, grass-roots ‘save-the-local-parkers’, New Agers, indigenous groups – all are increasingly finding common philosophical ground in Green issues.

And it’s not just a matter of saving this forest or that whale or that other piece of Kiribati shoreline over there. It’s far broader, far more holistic and, I suggest without a speck of embarrassment, far more beautiful and Human, too. As the pace of contemporary western life accelerates, as our befuddled idea of ourselves as a species – who we are, why and how we live, what things are truly important to us – fragments under a thousand artificial and self-created pressures, perhaps now to the point of collective Human schizophrenia, there is, I think, a growing hunger afoot in the developed world for us all to stop, pause, and snap out of our mild collective madness. To me, the Green movement is by far our best shot at giving meaningful political expression to that hunger.

And in any case, there is no longer any worthwhile democratic political alternative available. I am, at last, thoroughly through with both ‘Conservative’ and ‘Progressive’ political groupings, for the simple reason that there are no such creatures any more, at least not in the Australian political landscape. There are only populist opportunists for whom power, and power alone, is the only political principle embraced. I read Daniel Moye’s fine articulation of the Conservative Ideal (Why conservatives fear John Howard) and found it admirable but utterly unrecognisable.

I listen to a Bob Carr or even a Paul Keating speech, and for a short moment, I start to believe that ‘Progressivism’ too is still possible in mainstream Australians politics – until the harsh reality of the next ALP branch-stack, the next grubby and cynical attack on a Carmen Lawrence idealist, bursts that hopeful bubble.

Ultimately, I realise that the gap between the expressed ideals and the dirty daily realities of traditional political groupings has been rendered too wide by the entrenched habits of pragmatism. There is always a ‘reason’, an ‘excuse’ for the jettisoning of principle by our two mainstream political groupings, and the net result is two mainstream political groupings that operate according to no over-arching principle at all.

Left and Right is over; it is a dead division; it has ceased to be. There is only the fight for raw power now, and perhaps a little half-hearted window-dressing to disguise that ugly fight. The John Howards and their power-opportunists pay their hollow ‘tributes’ to Deakin and Menzies, while the Simon Creans and Bob Carrs and their power-opportunists lift their goblets of Grange in hollow ‘homage’ to Curtin and Chifley and Whitlam. But it’s all the same game, and that same game is telling believable lies.

“The things that unite us are more important than the things that divide us,” declares the Prime Minister, even as he wedges the nation apart with a casual brutality that will take a generation to heal.

“We are a tolerant and inclusive country,” he says, before dog-whistlingly ‘reminding’ us that that gay men and women have no place in the future of the species, let alone the nation.

“We are fulfilling our legal and moral obligations to refugees and treating them with compassion,” Phillip Ruddock assures us, even while fighting, inch-by-bloodless-inch, a court determination that the detention of a few scared kids behind razor-wire is not merely illegal but also, as anyone with an ounce of honesty and Human instinct would agree (if they allowed their better instincts to prevail), inhumane, cruel, harmful, ludicrous.

“The Australian Labour Party is committed to re-embracing its grass-roots membership,” says the too-clever-by-half ‘intellectual politician’ Bob Carr, even as the Mayor of Parramatta is summarily dumped as Labor candidate in favour of the nobody wife of some nobody Right Faction power-broker.

“This is a victory for the True Believers,” announces Paul Keating smugly, having just destroyed, with breath-taking cynicism and shameless scare-mongering, a Liberal Party opponent who, for once, was actually presenting a political package of considerable idealism and vision.

“Trust me, I am a born-again Greenie,” puffed Graham Richardson once upon a time, and like a fool, I took him at his word. (Never again, Richo. Never, ever again, mate.)

“I did not have sexual relations with that women,” said Bill Clinton, with a hot tear of ‘Progressive’ conviction in his eye.

“Saddam Hussein has sought uranium from Africa,” said George W. Bush, with a resolute, Churchillian gleam of ‘Conservative’ conviction in his.

“Iraq can launch WMD in 45 minutes,” swore Tony Blair, and his brand of political conviction goes, I’m told, by the dull bureaucratic name of ‘The Third Way’ – but it was just another cynical, power-grubbing lie, too.

Such rank public dishonesty has many mournful effects on the civic health of a democracy – disengagement being the political word of the day – but by far the most damaging effect of all is, I think, the long-term damage that it has done to the idea of ‘public truth’ itself. Because when a politician stands before us and, in the face of all the evidence we can see with our own eyes, swears blind – eloquently, passionately, with conviction – that mandatory detention of children is ‘compassionate’, or that Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda are working together to attack us with WMD, then what is destroyed is not just our belief in that particular politician, or their party or political philosophy, or our belief in politics as a civilising force, or our belief in the institutions of democracy, or even our belief in the worth of civic participation in general.

What is truly destroyed, with each rotten public lie – big or small, explicit or implied, outright or dog-whistled, lie of fact or lie of spirit – is our collective belief in belief itself.

And that is why, the older I get, the more comfortable I am with embracing what is quickly becoming an unstoppable global political movement – the simple belief in doing whatever we can to nurture and protect the future of our planet, which is no less, of course, than nurturing and protecting the future of our kids, and their kids, and so on, for all time.

Because for all the many criticism that can be directed at the Greens as a political force – and I concede that there are still many – one that cannot honestly be made to stick is a lack of belief in their own expressed principles and philosophies; Green principles and philosophies which, even better, an individual like me can try to put into meaningful practice. It’s becoming easier to ‘live Green’ all the time, and that doesn’t just mean taking the bus, not flushing the dunny and rolling your own cigarettes. Unlike all other political parties, aspiring to being a ‘good Green party man’ is an entirely personal, individual, and non-ideological lifestyle choice.

Sure, the Greens are no more in possession of all the answers for the future than anyone else, but what I do know is this: what I want from my public representatives is that what they say in public retain some core connection to what they do in public, to the policy decisions and positions they make.

I want Public Truth from our leaders, and the only place I’m getting it consistently these days is from Senator Bob Brown and Company. Liberal, Labor, National, even the Democrats – as parties, they’re all the same to me now: populists, cynics, game-players and patronisers of one sort or another.

And so, in the absence of honesty from Conservatives and Progressives out there in a dinosaurian political Luddite Land where two plus two is now five and white is fast becoming black, the only conclusion any rational voter can draw is this one: that the future story of Public Truth – of global democracy and meaningful civic participation – will be a future written with a billion and more nutty Green Pens.

The danger for Australians of approving death for Amrozi

John Howard and Simon Crean yesterday discarded decades of bipartisan policy on capital punishment, and in the process left Australians more vulnerable to being put to death overseas.

Our principle had been crystal clear, and was last enunciated in 2000 by Attorney-General Daryl Williams.

At that time political controversy raged over whether the federal government should overrule laws in Western Australia and the Northern Territory which gave the courts no choice but to send children to jail for property offences. Then WA Premier Richard Court upped the ante by threatening to introduce capital punishment in his state.

Williams immediately ruled that out, saying the federal government would overrule any such law. “We have international obligations which commit us to maintaining that abolition [of capital punishment], and we have actively lobbied other countries which have the death penalty,” he said.

As so the government did on behalf of David Hicks, an Australian to be charged with terrorism in the United States. Williams said on July 8 that Australia had “re-iterated to the US Australia’s long-standing, strong opposition to the death penalty”.

But yesterday, in the wink of an eye, Howard and Crean created an exception by refusing to make representations to Indonesia to commute the death penalty. John Howard has gone much further, saying he supports the death penalty for Amrozi, not merely that he won’t oppose it. “If the law of Indonesia requires that he be executed, then I regard that as appropriate,” he said this morning. The logic of that statement is that Australia could no longer credibly lobby for Australians who end up on death row in Indonesia, and would face huge credibility hurdles in lobbying other countries on such matters. Is he thinking straight?

Would we make representations if an Australian citizen had been found guilty of the charges against Amrozi? If not, then we have decided that in certain matters, Australian citizens will be left without the support of their nation when convicted of a capital offence overseas. If so, then we are clearly saying to the Indonesian people that our citizens are superior to theirs.

This is a consequence of making exceptions to a nation’s commitment to universal human rights. In the context of the war on terror, we are simply playing into the enemy’s hands.

Then there’s the question of our blatant double standards on due process. Neither Australia or the United Kingdom passed retrospective new criminal laws against terrorist acts after September 11. The reason is simple – it is a bedrock basic to a Western democracy that the country is ruled by laws, not men. In other words, if your liberty is at stake, as it is for a criminal offence, the law as it is laid down at the time you do something is the law that applies. Otherwise, the society is wide open to capricious ex-post-facto abuses of power by political leaders and the enforcement apparatus of the state.

Yet Indonesia did make its anti-terror retrospective, and charged Amrozi under that law. That law is in clear breach of a specific clause in the Indonesian Constitution banning retrospective criminal laws, the core fact Amrozi’s lawyer will argue on appeal. The Indonesians failed to also charge Amrozi with murder or offences under the law as it stood at the time of the Bali bombing, meaning that if appeal courts strike out his conviction as unconstitutional, he will walk free.

So how could Australia, through Howard and Crean, back a death penalty resulting from the degradation of the rule of law, a core standard the principle our nation says it’s fighting for in the war on terror? Did Australian authorities assist Indonesia in laying the charges against Amrozi as it did in investigating the bombing?

If Australia did not help ensure that the Indonesian judicial process was watertight and scrupulous, our government has failed us in a profound sense. The precautionary principle is crucial in handling the war on terror. It appears this principle has been ditched along with quite a few others in this trial.

A legal injustice – and this one is blatant – gives explosive ammunition to our enemies in the war on terror. How, for example, can we now credibly lobby other governments on behalf of our citizens caught up in overseas criminal proceedings on the basis that our citizens did not receive a fair trial? For the values we are fighting for to survive, we must consistently apply those values in practice.

These grave consequences of our leaders backing the death penalty are in addition to the fear of many – after seeing Amrozi’s spectacular propaganda throughout his trial to other would-be martyrs – that the death penalty is manna from heaven to the enemy, particularly if Amrozi dies laughing.

And that result would be disastrous for our neighbour Indonesia, and for us.

See also Howard to the states: capital punishment your call

Howard to the states: capital punishment your call

John Howard today gave the green light for State governments to reintroduce capital punishment. He even suggested the Victorian liberal opposition might try a policy of reintroducing the death penalty on for size. He’s stated clearly that capital punishment is a matter for the States, in direct contradiction of his Attorney General Daryl Williams, who’s said consistently for years that Australia is obliged by international agreements and longstanding bipartisan policy to overturn any such state government law. (See my comment piece The danger for Australians of approving death for Amrozi.)

Here’s what Howard said to a talkback caller demanding the death penalty in Australia:

“The criminal law of this country is overwhelmingly administrated by state governments and I don’t, even if I’m in favour of the death penalty, I couldn’t pass a law to apply the dealt penalty for example in the state of Victoria. You can raise, and this matter can be pursued at a state political level, you say why haven’t you got the right? Well that’s up to the Victorian Government. … If people want to raise it again it would be open for example to the Victorian Opposition, if you have a different view on this matter to promote it as an electoral issue…”

What the hell is going on in this man’s mind? What sort of country is he trying to turn us into? I’ve published below the transcript of his extraordinary interview with Neil Mitchell on capital punishment on Melbourne Radio 3AW this morning. Among the many gems, he did not explicitly oppose torture for Amrozi before death, and completely avoided the question of whether he’d try to save an Australian from death row in Indonesia. Read him and marvel at his manipulation skills. This guy is in a class of his own. Congratulations to Neil for a fine job of persistent questioning.

How bloody stupid is Simon Crean? Why did he agree with Howard yesterday that Australia shouldn’t make representations to Indonesia to commute the death penalty in line with longstanding bipartisan policy? He’d also have the strong argument that death would be heaven to our terrorist enemies, a view that many Australians adhere to. Why disenfranchise so many Australians by following the Howard line? As soon as Labor avoided the wedge by agreeing with Howard, Howard moved the goalposts, AS HE ALWAYS DOES. He’ll now sit back, let the debate take off, watch his cheerleading media team beat the living daylights out of it, and relax. Will Labor ever learn that they must take a stand early on principle?




What is your reaction to the Democrats suggesting this would be on a par with terrorism?


Well I don’t agree with them. Neil, I don’t myself support capital punishment in Australia. The reason I don’t support capital punishment is pragmatic. I know that from time to time the law makes mistakes and innocent people can go to the gallows if we have capital punishment, and subsequently if you discover they were innocent, then there is nothing you can do about it. It’s a purely pragmatic thing. What has happened here is that under the law of another country people have been tried. They are citizens of another country. Amrozi is not an Australian citizen. He’s an Indonesian. And I find it extraordinary that anybody can use the word barbarism in relation to this man. I just find that extraordinary. I mean it’s the judicial process of that country. There is a legitimate debate about capital punishment. And I don’t know that people, if I may say so, picking up your introduction, I don’t know that people are dancing in the streets. I don’t feel any sense of jubilation about this and I don’t think people do. But if you have lost somebody, the emotional release of at least thinking that the process of justice has been served, and I’m impressed by the fact that amongst the families of the people who died, some are in favour of the death penalty, some are not. They reflect the division in our community on that matter and they are behaving in an understandable, normal Australian way.


You dont find the popping of champagne corks and the sort of die you bastard, die as a little un-Australian?


Well these people lost their kids.




And I mean I have met a lot of these people. I remember how they felt. And I just try and put myself in their situation.


I think my point is this is going to go on for years now, isn’t it? I worry about people being consumed by revenge.


Look I don’t think the Australian public is consumed by revenge. I think the Australian public has reacted to this tragedy in a very heartfelt, mature way. Australians know that our lives have been changed forever by the coming of the age of terrorism. There is no doubt about that. It started with the attack in New York and Washington in September of 2001. It came horribly close to our own country and claimed all those lives in Bali. And again this week weve been reminded that were living in a region that is very unstable and we can’t for a moment imagine that it won’t happen in our own homeland, in one of our cities on the Australian mainland. It could happen. We have to work very hard to prevent it occurring. Now against the background of all of that, I don’t think Australians are behaving in an un-Australian way. They accept realistically that we have to live our lives differently, but they’re determined to get on with their lives. They react in a very passionate way when pain and death is inflicted on their family and their friends, and that’s perfectly normal. I am frankly filled with admiration at the way in which Australians have reacted and adjusted to this new situation.


Australia has been involved with Indonesia in helping in the investigation and the rest of it since this happened. Presumably because of that we do have the right to have an opinion and express a view on the death sentence.


Yes. Yes we have a right, and I have chosen as the elected leader of this country to say that I will not be raising any objection to the normal processes of Indonesian law being carried forward. I mean it would be open to me, if I chose, to do otherwise, but I have thought about this.


So you think execution is appropriate?


What I think is appropriate is that the law of Indonesia be applied.


But do you think it’s appropriate this man be executed?


I think he should be dealt with in accordance with the law of Indonesia.


But I’m taking it a step further Prime Minister. Do you believe its appropriate he be executed?


Neil, I’m answering your question. What I’m saying to you is if the law of Indonesia requires that he be executed, then I regard that as appropriate.


If he was an Australian? With an Australian citizen you’d have a different view.


Well Neil, were not dealing I mean please, this is too important and sensitive and heartfelt an issue for us to deal in hypothetical situations. I intend to deal with the facts and the facts are that this man is an Indonesian citizen, he was tried in accordance with Indonesian law, Indonesian law obliges the imposition of the death penalty, it has been imposed and in those circumstances, I regard that as appropriate and I do not intend, in the name of the Australian people, to ask the Indonesian Government to refrain from the imposition of that penalty.


Do you hold that view if the remaining five are found guilty?


Well let me hear the evidence. Let me state the principle and then say I’m not going to hypothesise about future trials. The principle is that these people should be brought to justice in accordance with the processes of Indonesian law, and that is what may I just finish this is important That is what the Australian people would demand if this crime had been committed in Australia.


I guess the broader point and perhaps even the more important point now Prime Minister is the effect of the sentence. Do you believe that this sentence will reduce the terrorism risk in this region?


It’s more likely that it will be neutral.


You don’t think it will increase it either?


Well I can only speculate. The more that you communicate a capacity to apprehend, try and convict people involved in terrorism, the greater is the warning given to the terrorists. When I answered neutral, I was thinking more in terms of the actual verdict, as distinct from the whole process.


Well do you think the death penalty will reduce or increase the risk of terrorism in this region?


I think the death penalty will have a different impact on different people, and therefore I think its probably neutral.


This man seems to seek martyrdom. Is this what were giving him?


I don’t believe so.




Well in the long run people who decide to embark upon terrorism have already embarked upon a fanatical mode of behaviour, and I don’t know that the execution or the sentencing to life of somebody like that is going to alter the original decision.


I noticed the judges in their sentencing said they thought this would prevent a repetition or help to prevent a repetition. You don’t agree with that?


Well I hope they’re right. I think terrorism is going to be with us for a long time. We have begun the fight against it. It’s a fight that will involve greater emphasis on intelligence gathering and cooperation between the agencies of different countries. It will involve also dealing with issues that give rise to conditions that can be exploited by terrorists. I do believe that one of the most positive things that have come out of the Iraq war has been the renewed push for a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. If that settlement can be achieved, that will remove an argument that the terrorists have used.


Mr Howard, before we leave the security issue, as I mentioned also, a British family one with a Bali victim is appealing against the death sentence. They want Amrozi to spend time in jail instead. Presumably you would hope that appeal fails if it goes ahead?


Well I dont know that I’ve quite thought about it. I’ve expressed my view Neil, and my view is that the law of Indonesia should be applied, and if the law of Indonesia requires the imposition of the death penalty and if the appeal processes within Indonesia result in the death penalty being imposed, then that is appropriate and I’m not going to object.


Yeah good morning. This guy that they’re putting to death, I think first off that they should be making him suffer first, I mean he wants to die a martyr and by putting him straight to death, giving him what he wants, he should be made to suffer first, I mean he caused so much suffering for so many other people.


We are getting, thanks Michael, a lot of reaction like that, Prime Minister, saying torture him first. What’s your response?


Well I’m not in favour of that. I’m in favour of applying the law of Indonesia. We don’t control this process.


No, but we’ve got a right to have a say in it.


No, we’ve got a right to express an opinion and that is what I’m doing. And I’m not reluctant to express an opinion, I know some people disagree with me, some people say that I should be thumping the table and saying don’t execute the man, I’m not going to do that because I do respect the judicial processes of Indonesia, I also believe that for me to do that would offend many Australians who lost people, who legitimately feel as decent Australians that a death penalty is appropriate.

See there is a division in our community on the death penalty, many Australians who are a decent and as moderate as I hope both you and I are actually have a different view on the death penalty and perhaps your view and my view is different, I don’t know, but I know lots of Australians who believe that a death penalty is appropriate and they are not barbaric, they’re not insensitive, they’re not vindictive, they’re not vengeful, they’re people who believe that if you take another’s live deliberately then justice requires that your life be taken.

Now I have a different view from that because I’ve read of and I’ve seen the law make mistakes, and it’s a terrible thing to judicially murder somebody and subsequently find that that person is innocent and that’s why I have this pragmatic view so far as Australian courts are concerned that we shouldn’t impose the death penalty.

We’re dealing here with the citizen of another country whose murdered 88 of our own in another country and the law of that other country says the death penalty is appropriate. Now I am prepared to accept that, I will not object to it and I think it is appropriate because I respect the judicial processes of that other country. And if we are to get the total co-operation between Australia and Indonesia in the war against terrorism that could go on for years one of the things we have to do is develop a code of mutual respect and co-operation between the judicial systems of our two countries.


Mr Howard I might just say to you that I find the government, including your own and other past governments, very hypocritical when it comes to the death penalty here in this country. Quite happy to see the death sentence carried out over there to their law, I want to know why it is that we haven’t got the right here, why it’s not being put up as an electoral point where we can’t vote to have the people to decide whether or not the death sentence be reintroduced here.


Well a couple of things on that, firstly the criminal law of this country is overwhelmingly administrated by state governments and I don’t, even if I’m in favour of the death penalty, I couldn’t pass a law to apply the dealt penalty for example in the state of Victoria. You can raise, and this matter can be pursued at a state political level, you say why haven’t you got the right? Well that’s up to the Victorian Government.


I assume from what you’re saying today that you are not supporting the reintroduction of the capital punishment in Australia?


I am not supporting the reintroduction, I mean my position, let me repeat, is for reasons of pragmatic concern that the law from time to time will make mistakes, I am against the death penalty. That is the basis, always has been the basis of my objection. But I respect the fact that a lot of people are in favour of the death penalty, a lot of people who are close to me are in favour of the death penalty. It’s just that different people have different views.


What do mean people close to you? You mean in your Cabinet?


Just generally, Cabinet, friends, etc, etc. You know more friends than others. But I’ve had this view for a long time and it’s been debated ad nauseam in Australia and if people want to raise it again it would be open for example to the Victorian Opposition, if you have a different view on this matter to promote it as an electoral issue, I’m not encouraging them to do so but I’m just making the point that there should be debate on it, I mean nobody’s trying to stop debate on it, were debating it now and I’m expressing a view.

Mako’s search for answers on Iraq

The Leader leading the party flock. Image by Webdiary artist Martin Davies.

David Makinson became a Webdiary contributor in the Iraq war debate and proved a lyrical advocate for not going to war (see, for example, In defence of America). I asked him to guest edit a Webdiary on Iraq a couple of weeks ago, and it’s driven him crazy! David believes the top priority for debate should be how to give the Iraqi people a better tomorrow, and invites your comments. Send you emails to me and I’ll pass them on. David’s done a great job chewing over the themes in the postwar debate – thanks David.

I was going to write about the politics of Carmen standing for ALP president today, but got swamped by capital punishment. Her mega-manifesto on the meaning of democracy is at Ideas to save our withering democracy. It’s a brave piece, not least because she has a big go at the media. Highly recommended. It’s been a big week and I’m way behind on your emails. If you’ve sent a ripper that hasn’t got a run, please resend. Have a good weekend.


David Makinson, Webdiary guest editor

I’ll kick off with a topic that perplexes me. For large segments of the media and for many commentators across the political spectrum, the continuing absence of weapons of mass destruction is the key issue of the day.

Those in the pro-war camp vacillate between saying that weapons will be found to asserting that the existence of the WMD does not matter because an evil dictator has been toppled. On the other hand, many in the anti-war camp seem almost triumphant. No weapons, no case for war, seems to be the logic.

But there is little logic in this line of reasoning. In the lead up to the conflict I wrote several pieces for Webdiary arguing that the case for war had not been made. The foundation stone of my position was (and is) that Iraq posed no threat to us or to any of our allies. Because of this, the war could not be seen as a just war, and would set a terrible precedent for the future conduct of international affairs.

It is scant comfort now, but I believe my position was correct at the time and remains correct today. On the other hand, I was completely wrong about one thing.

I believed in the WMD. I accepted as a given that the WMD existed. My argument was always that even with the WMD, Iraq was not a threat.

Naturally, I’m all in favour of the eradication of WMD, but I could not accept that the mere possession of WMD is of itself a threat sufficient to justify a war. If I were to accept this line of reasoning, it would seem pretty clear where the real danger lies.

So yes, of course WMD must be found and destroyed. Hell, I even know where they are. If only more of us were as attuned to the risks of WMD as the people of Anniston, Alabama:

We Found the Weapons

* Liters of anthrax stockpiled by Iraq, according to President Bush’s State of the Union Address: 25,000

* Supposed liters of botulinum toxin Bush claimed Iraq possessed: 38,000

* Supposed tons of sarin, mustard, and VX nerve agent: 500

* Supposed number of munitions capable of delivering chemical agents: 30,000

Percent of “top weapons sites” that have been inspected by U.S. forces: 90

Number of chemical agents and weapons that have been found: 0

Pounds of banned chemical weapons currently housed in an Army depot in Anniston, Alabama: 46,830,000 (facingsouth)

The St Petersburg (Florida) Times gives some hints as to what it might be like to live with such a stockpile of death. (There’s some inconsistency on the numbers between the two sources, but you’ll get the general drift).

If the double standards and hypocrisy are hard enough for us as allies of America to stomach, God alone knows what their enemies must think.

Since WMD were not a crucial element of my anti-war position I find it difficult to get too excited that they do not seem to exist. Put another way, even if WMD had been found immediately after President Bush’s declaration of victory my opposition to the war would have been unaffected.

In this sense, the hawks who claim the non-existence of weapons does not matter are in fact partly right, albeit for entirely the wrong reasons. Perversely, I find myself in agreement with Paul Wolfowitz, who said in a recent interview: “I am not concerned about weapons of mass destruction. I am concerned about getting Iraq on its feet.”

The fact that the WMD were not found immediately does prove one thing quite categorically, however: Our leaders did not have sufficient evidence at the time they chose to go to war. Sorry boys, but stumbling on them at some later point just won’t cut it.

Of course, some in the pro-war lobby still want to argue the toss. Look at this recent little gem, WMD doubts are ludicrous from “the most influential foreign affairs analyst in Australian journalism” (well, that’s whatThe Australian calls Greg Sheridan). Note the juxtaposition of the headline and the very first sentence: “THE US has material in its possession in Iraq which, if it checks out, will be conclusive evidence of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction programs”.

If it checks out. Ay, there’s the rub. Nothing whatsoever has checked out so far in this sad saga, but hey – hope springs eternal. Let’s not even mention the sneaky insertion of the word “programs”. And let’s be kind to Greg and assume that someone else puts the headlines on his columns. Ludicrous? Indeed.

So, even though doubts about WMD are entirely rational and perfectly understandable, I have a fear, now that the war is in an occupation/resistance phase, that the noise from the anti-war lobby about absent weapons and phantom deals with Niger is potentially distracting us from what should be the main game. Yes, our leaders lied to us, yes we must get angry, and yes, they must be held to account. This is necessary if we are to put our own houses in order, and I’ll have more on this later. But what about the Iraqi house that we have torn down? The real challenge is surely to focus on the giving the people of Iraq a better tomorrow. Move on. Focus on the future.

I think the most frightening prospect of all is an American withdrawal any time soon. Having gone in, they must stay to finish the job. Anything other than a long term commitment would be disastrous. If called upon, Australia must support them in this task. When I see calls like this in the American press from one Professor Hubert G. Locke, I begin to get very, very nervous for the people of Iraq:

“We should get out of Iraq sooner rather than later. Why not admit that we’ve accomplished little of what was our announced intent – we haven’t found any weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein is more likely alive than dead and “democracy” in Iraq is likely to cause as many headaches for the United States as Saddam ostensibly did. Let’s cut our losses, really support our troops and bring them home from the quagmire in Iraq.” (nwsource)

I don’t know Professor Locke and I don’t know what his politics are. But I am reasonably certain that to abandon Iraq now would be one of history’s greatest ever acts of betrayal. I pray that Locke’s views are not, and do not become, mainstream.

In that spirit of focussing on the future for Iraq, my original intention was to use my guest editing spot to highlight the thinking of some who are indeed worrying about the future for Iraq. Having spent quite some time now searching on the web, I’m very concerned that genuine forward looking Iraq analysis is terribly thin on the ground.

Does the Bush administration have any real clue how it is going to fulfil its promise of freedom and democracy? If so, it needs to do a far better PR job both within Iraq and outside, because nobody seems to have much confidence that they know what they’re doing.

We certainly cannot look to the traditional Right for answers. They are too busy spin doctoring uncomfortable truths. Many on the traditional Left are gleefully pointing out the shortcomings of the official position and giving the distinct impression that they are well pleased by the descent into guerilla warfare. This is an utterly contemptible response.

Sadly, when it comes to proposing some workable solutions, the Left continues its impressive track record of profound uselessness.

Perhaps it’s just a failing of my research, and I’d be very grateful to be re-educated on this, but the apparent absence of a sensible – and meaningful – debate on what’s next for Iraq is deeply worrying. I think Webdiary is an ideal place to start to address this, and I’d like to invite Webdiary readers to send in their own thoughts or provide references to source material.

So, having failed pretty much completely in my initial objective, I’ve decided to present a few bits and pieces which address what I think are the key themes of the war and its aftermath. I think that most of these issues should be secondary to the basic rebuilding of Iraq, but these seem to be the issues that make up most of the public debate at the moment.

1. Saddam is Gone

First and foremost, let’s all celebrate the silver lining on this particular cloud. Saddam Hussein is gone, and hopefully for good. The demise of his sons will surely boost the confidence of the Iraqi people that a brighter day is possible, and on the day that Saddam joins them on the mortuary slab, surely the world will be a better place. Whatever your view on the various arguments that surround the war, we can all recognise that this is a huge win for most Iraqis.

But before the pro-war camp gets too self-congratulatory, it’s important to remember that Australia did not go to war to topple Hussein. I can’t help but wonder how the people of Australia would have reacted to a well argued case that we needed to go to war, not because of concocted threats and tenuously imagined links, but in the simple humanitarian cause of removing an appalling dictator.

But we were not asked this question. Instead it was explicitly ruled out by Prime Minister Howard:

“Well I would have to accept that if Iraq had genuinely disarmed, I couldn’t justify on its own a military invasion of Iraq to change the regime. I’ve never advocated that. Much in all as I despise the regime”.

I’ve never advocated that. Couldn’t be much clearer. And I think Mr Howard was entirely correct. Here’s Paul Wolfowitz in a similar vein:

“The third one (that is, rescuing the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein) by itself, as I think I said earlier, is a reason to help the Iraqis but it’s not a reason to put American kids’ lives at risk, certainly not on the scale we did it.”

That’s twice I’ve agreed with Paul Wolfowitz. I’d better stop that. My thanks to a recent piece by Tim Dunlop at roadtosurfdom for reminding me of these quotes.

2. Accountability

So – Iraq was no threat. Iraq had no proven connection with September 11. Iraq had no meaningful links with Al Qaeda. And we did not even know whether Iraq had the weapons we so feared. Our leaders took us to war, a war that it seems is not over yet, despite protestations to the contrary.

At the next electoral opportunities, President Bush, and Prime Ministers Blair and Howard must be made to face their accountability for taking us to war on false pretences. Blair is under enormous pressure right now, and seems to be the most vulnerable of the leaders. He may not even last long enough to be sacked at the next election. There have been calls for President Bush to be impeached. One of the comparisons being made is that of Bill Clinton, who was impeached for lying about his sex life, which does not seem quite as important as a war. (Though going by some sections of the media, this is obviously a value judgement which is far from cut and dried). Professor Marjorie Cohn:

“An independent commission headed by a special prosecutor should be convened immediately to get to the bottom of this. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. If it is determined that Bush misled American soldiers into war, the House of Representatives should initiate impeachment proceedings against him. There is no higher crime or misdemeanor”. (counterpunch)

It’s hard to see President Bush being held to account for all this. But it seems increasingly likely that he’ll need a high profile fall guy – or gal. Higher profile than an intelligence head, anyway. I’d say Condoleezza Rice is probably not sleeping too well these nights. And maybe even Vice President Cheney will be looking over his shoulder. In a recent open memorandum to the President, veteran intelligence professionals wrote:

“We recommend that you call an abrupt halt to attempts to prove Vice President Cheney ‘not guilty’. His role has been so transparent that such attempts will only erode further your own credibility. Equally pernicious, from our perspective, is the likelihood that intelligence analysts will conclude that the way to success is to acquiesce in the cooking of their judgments, since those above them will not be held accountable. We strongly recommend that you ask for Cheney’s immediate resignation.” (commondreams)

Who knows, perhaps Harry Heidelberg is right in Will Howard beat Bush? and Howard Dean will emerge as a genuine election chance. Certainly it’s a prospect that is gathering some substance. Fingers crossed.

As has been well documented, John Howard floats above the scandal. He acted on advice. He relied on intelligence. Of course, with no Australian troops remaining in harm’s way, Howard does not have to worry about an electorate whose distress grows with every day’s new body bag.

Miranda Devine thinks the PM owes his ongoing immunity to his political enemies, and she may be right – stranger things have happened. Certainly Osama Bin Laden would understand her thinking. Geoff Kitney has a different view on Howard’s immunity: It’s the economy, stupid. I suspect Geoff is a few steps closer to the truth than Miranda, but whatever the reasons, clearly our PM is accountable for nothing.

Of course, Howard’s apparent immunity infuriates the Left, as recent Webdiary pieces by Carmen Lawrence (It matters!) and Jack Robertson (Fisking John) show. I know Carmen and Jack have the very best of intentions, but they are preaching to the converted. Two thirds of Australians need no convincing that they were misled.

Sometimes it helps to see ourselves as others see us: This from American weblog Whiskey Bar:

“SYDNEY (AFP) – Two in every three Australians believe Prime Minister John Howard misled them over participation in the US-led war in Iraq, but support for his leadership remains as strong as ever, a new poll showed.

The latest Newspoll showed more than a third of respondents believed they had been lied to, while just under a third felt they had been “unknowingly misled”. Just 25 percent of respondents said they did not feel they had been misled. But Howard still held a 40 point lead over his opponent …

Reminds me of those Foster’s learn-to-speak Australian ads they were running here in the states a few years ago — particularly the one where the “locksmith” smashes the door down with his head.

Voter: the Australian word for stupid.”

Ouch. Truly, we get the government we deserve. An earlier American President, Truman, said in his farewell address: “The President – whoever he is – has to decide. He can’t pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That’s his job.” He had a sign on his desk saying “The Buck Stops Here”. He must have taken it with him when he left.

Here’s Antonia Zerbisias in the Toronto Star discussing the deceptions of George W Bush:

“Asked about those infamous 16 words in his State of the Union Address about Iraq shopping in Niger for yellowcake uranium, the leader of the free world replied: “The larger point is and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn’t let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power …”

So yes kids! We were all hallucinating when we watched news footage of reporters chasing U.N. weapons inspectors around Iraq last winter. Those were but voices in our collective head when we heard pleas from the likes of Prime Minister Jean Chretien and former weapons inspector Scott Ritter to allow the digging around to continue. And we must have all swallowed a giant tab of yellowcake when we read the news of U.N. weapons inspectors scrambling to beat a path out of Baghdad on the eve of the Shock & Awe bombing campaign.

So ask yourself: How come the commander-in-chief shoots from the lip once again and nobody is talking about it?” (commondreams)

Having re-read the last few paragraphs, I wonder if I’m just too idealistic. After all, a sudden attack of honesty from our overlords would buck the trend of history in a big way, wouldn’t it? Phillip Adams gave some great examples of history’s liars in a recent article for The Australian. One quote in particular strikes a chord today:

“I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the war, no matter whether it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked afterwards whether he told the truth or not. When starting and waging war it is not right that matters but victory.” – Adolf Hitler

Interesting parallel, but there are some differences today. The power of the internet means that the victors are most certainly being asked whether or not they told the truth.

I guess one of two things might happen from here – either politicians will in fact become more honest – gradually – and more accountable, or they will find ways to control the internet. Your guess is as good as mine on which way it will go, but they are going to find controlling the internet extremely difficult. Or will they? See commondreams.

3. Guerilla Warfare

Well, is it or isn’t it? This has been a hot topic in the global media, although I’m not entirely sure why it matters. It’s just a label after all. I suspect this is only a big topic of debate because Donald Rumsfeld said so confidently that it wasn’t a guerrilla war and has since been repudiated by just about anyone with any kind of military credentials. Here’s an excellent summary, courtesy of Whiskey Bar once again:


It’s very small groups – one or two people – in isolated attacks against our soldiers. (Maj. Gen. Buford Blount III, remarks to reporters May 27, 2003)

I believe these are local attacks. I don’t see it on a national level. (Lt. Gen. David D. McKiernan, news conference June 4, 2003)

We do not see signs of central command and control direction . . . these are groups that are organized, but they’re small; they may be five or six men conducting isolated attacks against our soldiers. (L. Paul Bremer, teleconference with reporters June 12, 2003)

This is not guerrilla warfare; it is not close to guerrilla warfare because it’s not coordinated, it’s not organized, and it’s not led. (Major General Ray Odierno, teleconference with Pentagon reporters June 18, 2003)

There’s a guerrilla war there but we can win it. (Paul Wolfowitz, testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, June 18, 2003)

Dangerous pockets of the old regime remain loyal to it and they, along with their terrorist allies, are behind deadly attacks designed to kill and intimidate coalition forces and innocent Iraqis. (George W. Bush, radio address, June 21, 2003)

It’s just weird. It’s totally unconventional. It’s guerrilla warfare. (Capt. Burris Wollsieffer, press interview June 23, 2003)

I think it is worth emphasizing that these guys lack the two classical ingredients of a victory in a so-called guerrilla war if that’s what you want to say they’re conducting. They lack the sympathy of the population and they lack any serious source of external support. (Paul Wolfowitz, Washington Post interview June 26, 2003)

Q: We’ve gone from a traditional, if you will, set of circumstances, rules of engagement, to more of a guerrilla war. Isn’t that accurate?

Rumsfeld: I don’t know that I would use the word. (Donald Rumsfeld, press interview June 27, 2003)

America has to understand that we’ve gone from a conventional war that ended May 1 to an unconventional war. (Centcom spokesman Capt. Jeff Fitzgibbons, Washington Post interview June 29, 2003)

I guess the reason I don’t use the phrase “guerrilla war” is because there isn’t one, and it would be a misunderstanding and a miscommunication to you and to the people of the country and the world. (Donald Rumsfeld, press briefing June 30, 2003)

Q: Are we now into a guerrilla war, do you think?

Sen. McCain: I think we’re in a phase of the reconstruction of Iraq, the installation of the principles and functions of a democratic society, which is incredibly difficult. (Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., CBS Face the Nation June 29, 2003)

We have not been able to detect any sort of coordinated, synchronized, regional or national-level operations that have been conducted against us. (Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, USA Today interview July 2, 2003)

Q: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld says this is not a guerrilla war. How would the President describe it?

Fleischer: The President describes this as people who are loyal to the former regime still fighting American forces who are there, and in the process, they are becoming enemies of the Iraqi people. (Ari Fleischer, Press Briefing July 2, 2003)

“Guerrilla and insurgency operations are supported by the people, and I’ve demonstrated to my own satisfaction that the people of Iraq do not support the violence that we’re seeing right now.” (Gen. Tommy Franks, testimony before the House Armed Services Committee July 10, 2003)

Q: How organized is the resistance?

Rumsfeld: There’s a lot of debate in the intelligence community on that, and I guess the short answer is I don’t know. I think it’s very clear that it’s coordinated in regions and areas, cities, in the north particularly. To what extent is it organized throughout the country, I think there isn’t any conviction about that yet. (Donald Rumsfeld, NBC Meet the Press July 13, 2003)

People can call it what they want. I characterize it the way I just did, which is what’s actually going on. I don’t know that that’s necessarily the correct definition of organized resistance or guerrilla war, but it doesn’t make a lot of difference to me. (Donald Rumsfeld, ABC This Week July 13, 2003

I believe there’s mid-level Ba’athist, Iraqi intelligence service people, Special Security Organization people, Special Republican Guard people that have organized at the regional level in cellular structure and are conducting what I would describe as a classical guerrilla-type campaign against us. (Gen. John Abizaid, Centcom Commander, Pentagon Press Conference July 16, 2003)

And so on. I tend to think it doesn’t matter. The debate serves little purpose other than to further embarrass Donald Rumsfeld. He really doesn’t need any help in this regard.

4. Freedom/Democracy for Iraq

This is another aspect of the situation which has me stumped, and I’d like to know what other Webdiarists think.

Forget for the moment all the deceits surrounding the war. One of our key promises to the people of Iraq was liberation and the creation of a democratic society. A fundamental problem here seems to be that any democratic society in Iraq would surely be dominated by the Shiite majority. A Shiite government will surely be an Islamic government (far more so than Hussein’s ever was). And surely Iraqi Shiite government would forge closer links with their counterparts in Iran?

An Islamic state, aligned with Iran? Will America ever permit this?

Here’s Robert Fisk:

“And so there has begun to grow the faint but sinister shadow of a different kind of “democracy” for Iraq, one in which a new ruler will have to use a paternalistic rule – moderation mixed with autocracy, a la Ataturk – to govern Iraq and allow the Americans to go home. Inevitably, it has been one of the American commentators from the same failed lunatic right as Wolfowitz – Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum think tank, which promotes American interests in the region – to express this in its most chilling form. He now argues that “democratic-minded autocrats can guide [Iraq] to full democracy better than snap elections”. What Iraq needs, he says, is “a democratically-minded [sic] strongman who has real authority”, who would be “politically moderate” but “operationally tough” (sic again).” (Zmag)

See commondreams for an analysis of the likelihood that the Iraqis will resist any US-imposed democracy.

Big questions. Few answers. How will the rights of minority groups be protected, if at all? How can democracy really work under the umbrella of Islam? Will Iraq continue to exist as a nation, or will it have to be carved up? Will this work take anything less than decades?

6. Yankee Go Home

Americans seem to be dying on an almost daily basis. Obviously this has impacted morale and will continue to do so. Quite apart from the message being sent clearly by some segments of the Iraqi population, it’s the US soldiers themselves who are saying send us home. See, for example, commondreams.

I have been following a blog maintained by an American soldier on the ground in Iraq. It’s an eloquent personal journal that conveys a strange mix of despair and determination. Check it out and leave a comment in support at turningtables. An extract:

“i hope iraq stands firmly on it’s feet and we are allowed to go home…i hope that iraq is allowed to make up for all the time it has lost…i hope everyone is able to see eye to eye and there will be some bit of peace in this world…because i don’t want my children back over here…and i would really like to make it through a generation with out a war…”

Sorry, soldier. You can’t go home yet.

And, finally:

7. What about the fight against global terrorism?

As we read about the latest attack in Jakarta, we have to wonder what our governments are doing which actually reduces the risk of terror attacks. It seems that whatever it is, it isn’t working. Simon Tisdall in The Guardian:

“The larger question is why, after Afghanistan and Iraq and everything else that has been said and done by western leaders since 9/11, this threat apparently remains so omnipresent – and so scary…

In Afghanistan, nebulous al-Qaida networks posed a complex and subtle challenge. Bush’s solution? Invade the country and overthrow its rulers. The Taliban may have had it coming; but that is hardly the point. This was the old-style “overwhelming force” approach long favoured by US presidents, Daddy Bush included …

The Iraq campaign was conducted, for whatever reason (and many were given), on much the same principle: kick the door down, then charge in – and to hell with the wider consequences. While such behaviour brings quick, short-term results and may be superficially gratifying, innovative or imaginative it definitely is not.

These tactics bear little relation to an effective defence against terrorism in the round, let alone to tackling its root causes. Many al-Qaida in Afghanistan were merely dispersed; now they are returning. As for Iraq, they were never there in the first place.

Deputy Pentagon chief Paul Wolfowitz still insists that “Iraq is the central battle in the war on terror”. In reality, he is now trying disingenuously to redefine all Iraqi opponents of US occupation as “terrorists” – as somehow one and the same as the people who blew up Manhattan. It won’t wash”.

Tisdall is right, of course. But being right is not enough. Pointing out the flaws in another’s position is only one step. Putting forward some practical solutions is something else again. I set myself a goal some months ago of trying to set down some workable way forward on this, but having given it my best shot, I have to concede the task is beyond me.

Ideas, anyone?

Ideas to save our withering democracy

“Individualism … disposes each member of the community to sever himself from the mass of his fellows and to draw apart with his family and his friends, so that after he has thus formed a little circle of his own, he willingly leaves society at large to itself. … Individualism, at first, only saps the virtues of public life; but, in the long-run, it attacks and destroys all others, and is at length absorbed in downright selfishness.” Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835, Second Book, Chapter II.

As the attack on Iraq was launched we were nightly exposed to earnest, brow-furrowing admonitions from Bush, Blair and Howard to endorse the war because we were obliged to bring democracy and freedom to Iraq and, in time, to the whole of the Middle East. We were told it was imperative – at least once it became clear that the weapons of mass destruction argument had lost credibility – that we destroy the oppressive, autocratic and brutal regime of Saddam Hussein and replace it by a democratic system of government.

Some had the temerity to ask why we’d been so slow to recognise the plight of the Iraqi people, why the West had backed Hussein and supplied him with the finance and the means to wage war and why we punished those who fled in terror from Saddam Hussein’s brutality and locked them away in remote camps? These questions remain unanswered.

But some of us also asked what sort of democracy the allies might be thinking of exporting, like instant food, to the people of Iraq. What exactly do we mean by democracy? What are the key values and characteristics of modern democracies? How do we judge the success of the democracies currently in operation and which forms should we be recommending to the newly emerging democracies? Just how democratic is the Australian – and for that matter – the United States political system? Does our performance measure up to the rhetoric?

Ian McAllister describes a “surge” in democracy in the late 20th century, so that by its end, 120 of the world’s 192 countries – many of them former communist regimes – had embraced some form of democracy as their system of government with varying degrees of success. (1)

In thinking about democracy most of us would point to the minimum requirement of popular control and political equality (see International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance). In judging any democracy, most of us would want to go beyond these two simple features to include the protection of civil liberties and human rights, particularly against crude majoritarianism and sectional interests. A recently established Australian National University research project, The Democratic Audit of Australia, also includes the quality of public debate and discussion, assessing “the degree to which debate and discussion can be distorted by manipulation, strategising, deception and restrictions on allowable communication”. Many, myself included, would add the extent to which citizens actively participate (beyond the simple act of voting) in the political life of the country.

When people at large are questioned about the key values of democracy, the vast majority agree about the need for free and fair elections, freedom of speech, equality before the law, active citizen participation and the protection of minority rights. These are the desiderata of modern democracies.

When measured against these objectives, I believe we are falling short. Ours is a withering democracy.

Representative Democracy

As we contemplate the health of our democracies, we should be reminded that the evolution of modern representative democracies was accompanied by a “powerful distrust of the people”, of the poor, the poorly educated and women, who were initially excluded altogether and had to fight to gain suffrage. This distrust – and the practical difficulties of operating direct democracies in large populations and territories – was one of the reasons that representative government gained favour over more direct, Athenian forms of democracy.

Even Madison, one of the founding fathers of the U.S. system of government, argued that citizens could not be trusted to identify the “permanent and aggregate interests of the community”, a task best left to elected representatives chosen by the people, not the people themselves. Echoes of this view are evident in the nervousness with which the U.S. government has approached the possibility of control by the Shi-ite religious majority in Iraq. It also underlies some of the contemporary reluctance of political parties to allow their members to have a say in forming policy.

Initially this representative form of government, which keeps the people at arm’s length from the actual work of government, was not even considered a true democracy. In such systems, the work of government is conducted by the “elective aristocracy”, to use Jefferson’s term, and is mediated by political parties. This classical form of representative democracy is often considered non-participatory and elitist – a “thin democracy”, as Barber describes it. In such democracies, citizens are relatively passive. At best, they are monitors – experts and elites do the actual work of government.

Political parties are central to the functioning of modern democracies. Indeed, in 1941 the political scientist E.E. Schnattschneider asserted that “modern democracy is unthinkable save in terms of political parties”, a view which is reflected in most of the academic literature and reinforced by the evidence that no representative democracies appear to operate without them. The received wisdom is that political parties are key institutions for linking the various elements of the democratic process to ensure efficient and effective government. As Dalton and Wattenberg put it:

“Political parties have created political identities, framed electoral choices, recruited candidates, organised elections, defined the structure of legislative politics and determined the outputs of government.”

For better or worse, they are firmly embedded in the political landscape and any assessment of the health of democracies must include an assessment of the health of the political parties, especially of the extent to which they mediate the relationship between the community and their elected representatives.

The State of Democracy: Healthy or Diseased?

It is fair to say that democracy has generally functioned reasonably well when assessed against competing forms of government and methods for organising society. Democracy has characteristically produced societies that have been relatively “humane, flexible, productive, and vigorous”.

However, democracy is also characterised by “unsightly and factionalised squabbling by self-interested, short-sighted people and groups”. Furthermore, the policy outcomes often result from “special pleading” from those best placed to “adroitly pressure and manipulate the system”. Many commentators, here and elsewhere, observe that many citizens do not display the deliberative qualities theorists held to be central to the effective functioning of a democracy. Indeed, many display an almost monumental lack of political interest and knowledge. On the other hand, as Arendt has argued, politics as it practiced infantilises citizens who act as though power can only be gained by begging for it from a reluctant state.

There is a palpable cynicism routinely expressed by the public in democracies here and elsewhere, especially about political parties.

A large number of studies indicate deterioration on this front. There is some evidence that cynicism, discontent, frustration, and a sense of disempowerment and helplessness have markedly increased in recent years in most mature democracies. Various explanations are offered for these changes and remedies proffered.

One recent assessment of trends in attitudes toward political institutions and democratic government confirms that “citizens have grown more distant from political parties, more critical of political elites and political institutions and less positive toward government”. The authors describe these as “fundamental changes” in the political orientation over the past generation.

International comparisons show that these trends are characteristic of almost all the established democracies – and even some of the emerging ones. In particular, there is substantial evidence which points to a pattern of what has been called “partisan decline”, characterised by a declining role for the members of political parties in shaping policies and a reduction in the identification of voters with the major political parties.

A recent comprehensive assessment of the advanced industrial democracies found a general decline between the 60s and the 90s in the percentage of people who identified strongly with any particular party, a pattern also evident in Australia, which showed a 15% decline. These trends were more pronounced among the well-educated and the young, many of whom remain intensely interested in political issues, although not necessarily in participation. In fact, overall interest in politics appears to be increasing at the same time as participation in campaigns and volunteer work for political parties is decreasing.

The same research project traced the consequences for political behaviour of these changes. They reported bigger swings in election results on average, increasing fragmentation of political parties, a greater tendency of people to shift their votes between elections and to delay making decisions about their voting intentions until the last minute. More strategic voting is evident and where voting is not compulsory, voter turnout is in sharp decline.

Paradoxically, as parties are declining at the electorate level and party members have less influence on policy and strategy, the influence and control of central party organisations on campaigns and at the parliamentary level is stronger than ever. The responses of the political parties to these changes are likely to exacerbate both the cynicism and the disengagement. More campaigns are candidate and leadership focused and opinion polling, rather than party ideology, is more likely to inform policy decisions.

One contributor to an Internet discussion group reflected a commonly held sentiment when he wrote?:

“The ‘business of government’ is very sick indeed. If it were a real business it would have gone bankrupt long ago. It has lost most of its clients’ loyalty that’s for sure. The only reason they keep buying is that it is a monopoly and they have nowhere else to go.”

It may be tempting for politicians to dismiss such criticisms as the predictable whinging of malcontents, but it would be folly to do so. The growing clamour of such voices suggests there is more at stake. It is not simply the decline in political trust that has been noted in many evaluations of politicians and political elites, nor is it simply that the deference to authority once common in many Western democracies has been replaced by public scepticism of elites. Of greater concern for the future health of our democracy is that these feelings of mistrust have broadened to include the political regime and political institutions.

To date, this scepticism appears not to have significantly affected support for the democratic creed itself, although the risk is that failure to participate will eventually corrode commitment. While people are not yet abandoning democratic principles, they are critical of how these principles are functioning in our system of representative democracy. Citizens are frustrated with how contemporary democratic systems work – or how they do not work.

The solution, then, would appear to be to improve the democratic process and democratic institutions, not to accept non-democratic alternatives. People want democracy to work.

Democracy in Australia

In Australia too there appears to be a growing conviction that our political system needs to change; that the fundamentals of the democratic contract have been corrupted. Many Australians are disgruntled by a system which does not appear to respond to their needs and seems, increasingly, to be in the hands of elites more interested in their own advancement than the general good. As a result, our political system has less and less legitimacy.

Others have characterised this as a crisis which ranges across many of our democratic institutions and processes: our outdated constitution; the Byzantine, power-focused behaviour of our major political parties; the disquieting alliance of our political parties with corporations and large organisations; the control of our political parties by privileged minorities; the seeming irrelevance of much parliamentary debate and political discourse in the media; the pervasive use of propaganda to influence public opinion; the steady erosion of civil rights and minority interests; the increasingly blatant politicisation of the public service; the permanent state of vitriolic antagonism between the major parties; the elevation of executive secrecy above public disclosure; the readiness of government to mislead both the people and the parliament; the winner takes all outcomes of elections which preclude the input of minority opinion; and the failure to enunciate and plan for the long term challenges we face as a community. To nominate just a few!

Amongst the pessimists, this disenchantment spills over into disparagement of government action and a retreat into individual solutions to social and economic problems. This, of course, suits the neoliberal agenda, but is anathema to effective joint action necessary to reduce inequality, improve broad social outcomes and to protect the environment. Fortunately, there are optimists who believe it is possible to redesign our institutions. However, it is ironic that in an era which glorifies the novel and worships change, the same politicians who advocate flexibility and reform cling to conventions and practices which always had design flaws and which have ossified into caricatures of themselves.

Whatever the ascribed causes of these problems, it is clear that changes in our political system are needed.

Representation: Equality of Influence

The minimum requirement of any representative democracy is that governments should be elected and that all adults should have an equal right to vote. This minimum is indeed very little. As Rousseau acerbically observed:

“The English people believes itself to be free; it is gravely mistaken; it is free only during the election of members of Parliament; as soon as the members are elected, the people is enslaved; it is nothing.”

We might well ask what kind of accountability it is that operates only once every three or four years and which depends on assessments of performance which are inevitably based on information which the government of the day chooses to make available.

That said, it is fundamental even with our circumscribed democracy that all votes should be of equal value. In broad terms this has been achieved in Australia, with universal suffrage, electorates of roughly equal size and independent electoral commissions to determine electoral boundaries and prevent gerrymandering. Here in W.A. the entrenched conservative opposition in the Upper House over the past century made it impossible to achieve one vote one value and a High Court case to force the issue constitutionally did not succeed. The election of the Gallop government and the success of the Greens in gaining the balance of power in the Upper House gave hope that the principle of “one vote, one value” would finally prevail. But shockingly – and against their stated values – the Greens are blocking reform. The coming appeal to the Full Bench of the High Court is the last hope.

Despite the otherwise general equality in voting power, many are suspicious that not all citizens are equally able to influence their representatives. This breeds cynicism and a belief that the ordinary voter’s needs and views are ignored, while preference is given to the interests of the wealthy, to big business and to political cronies.

Several features of our political system contribute to these attitudes. Substantial campaign donations to the major parties by corporations and large organisations such as unions and business foundations foster the perception (and perhaps the reality) that it is possible to buy privileged access to MPs and ministers and that this influence is in proportion to the amount of money donated.

The disclosure that business leaders paid $10,000 per head for dinner at the Lodge indicates that not even the Prime Minister’s office is free of this practice. Reports on the extraordinary level of – secret – access to the Prime Minister afforded to the CEO of the Manildra Group, Dick Honan, and the favourable treatment of his ethanol producing company (over $20 million in taxpayer funded subsidies since October) has again sparked controversy.

Like many Australians, I am perturbed at these tendencies. We run the risk of becoming a “corporate democracy” – a “donocracy” – in which the number of shares you have purchased in the party of your choice determines your effective voting power. While there has been extensive debate about big money in politics in the U.S., there is still a conspicuous silence on the issue among Australian politicians.

Public funding of elections was supposed to reduce the parties’ reliance on private corporate and union donations: all that has happened is a blow-out in both public (doubled since 1993) and private funding as parties engage in an increasingly expensive bidding war at elections. Corporate contributions have become an accepted part of the election landscape. Figures collated by the Parliamentary Library show that in the 1998-99 financial year, the latest figures to which I have access, $37 million was paid to the parties by corporations and $3.7 million by unions.

The substantive problem is the possibility that such donations can purchase influence. Recent controversy surrounding the exercise of Ministerial discretion in the issue of visas has given credence to this concern. Like those Australians who follow politics, I am still waiting to hear a credible explanation for the donation by a Buddhist monastery in Sydney of $100,000, the largest ever donation to an individual candidate, to Minister Ruddock’s last election campaign.

While I know of no comparable Australian data, surveys of major corporate donors in the U.S. show that they donate not out of charitable impulses or civic duty; they expect a return for their money principally in gaining access, ensuring consideration of their interests and receiving “preferential consideration on regulations or legislation benefiting our business”. Many of these multinationals operate in Australia and donate to the major parties. There is no reason to suppose their motivation changes as they fly across the Pacific.

Retired U.S. Senator Paul Simon observed that “anyone who has been a candidate for major public office and says, ‘Campaign contributions don’t affect you’ is simply not telling the truth”, and that “the financially articulate have inordinate access to policy makers”.

There is no reason to believe the same observations do not apply to Australian MPs.

Reliance on donations may also create a strong inducement for political parties to bias their policies toward business and high income earners who provide the bulk of the funding, thus conspicuously undermining the promise of democracy that we all share equally in political power. The threat by the mining industry earlier this week that they would withdraw campaign contributions to both major parties unless they made changes to native title and other policies indicates just how blatant the exercise of such influence has become.

As I have said elsewhere, I believe it is time to reign in the exponential growth of corporate donations and to curtail the proliferation of content free, coercive media advertising that passes for policy debate during elections. The retention of public funding of elections should be accompanied by measures to limit the size of individual private donations to $1500, or thereabouts, and to proscribe any donations from corporations and large organisations. An extension of free-to-air radio and television could accompany these changes.

There are other reasons to scale down paid political advertising, particularly given the increasing tendency of Australian parties to emulate the negative tactics of our American cousins. As many have suggested, such advertising is one of the corrosive influences in our political system. To paraphrase an analogy used by Paul Simon:

“If Qantas ran regular 30 second commercials saying ‘Don’t fly Virgin Blue and showed a plane crashing into Mt Kosiosko and Virgin Blue ran a similar commercial showing a plane blowing up and urging travellers not to fly Qantas, it would not be very long before fear of flying became endemic.”

Politicians shouldn’t be surprised when their negative campaigns succeed, not only in diminishing their opponents, but in undermining confidence in all politicians. Tony Abbott’s “don’t trust politicians to elect the President” campaign was a case in point. I think we should be greatly concerned that negative campaign advertising will increase voters’ cynicism about the electoral process and be taken by some voters as “a signal of the dysfunctional and unresponsive nature of the political process itself”, causing them to lose interest in how they vote.

If free time on radio and television were to replace such paid advertising and candidates themselves were required to speak, they might spend more time advancing their own agendas and less time abusing their opponents. It might just encourage the media to focus more on the real issues and less on the trivial and combative characteristics of campaigns.

Mirror or descriptive representation

Part of the growing sense of disenfranchisement about politics amongst Australians may lie in the obvious differences between party members and MPs and the wider community. This failure of “mirror” or “descriptive” representation is, of course, most noticeable in the relative absence of women in the senior echelons of the major parties and in the Parliament.

What kind of representation is it where the candidates are not even remotely typical of the wider society, even using crude indicators such as age, gender, income and occupation. Voters need to feel that their representatives – at least in aggregate – can understand their circumstances and have sufficient identity with them to press their interests. The greater the distance of representatives from electors, the greater the mistrust.

These weaknesses begin with the political parties who determine who will be presented to the community for election and who govern the behaviour of their members in law making.

It is not generally appreciated that none of Australia’s parties is a mass party with a substantial membership base: at last count only 1.5% of Australians were members of a political party. Nor are the influential party members necessarily typical of the wider community. Too many candidates come from the party organisations and from MP’s staff. Many have little experience with anything other than back-room operations and are not active in their communities.

In Australia, it is apparent that many people have formed the view that the major parties are in the thrall of special interest groups. They reject involvement in party politics because they are not prepared to be used as factional pawns and campaign volunteers when elections are on and ignored when policy is being developed. Party members and supporters are often asked to fall in behind policy positions that they had no hand in developing and about which they have not been consulted.

As a contributor to a website discussion forum put it:

“If we as a party are serious about rebuilding our membership base, we need to rethink the way we as a party govern. A rather large slice of the cynicism that is evident in the general population has come about from the perception that we are governed from the top. Australians as a rule dislike being told what to do unless it is for very good reason, doesn’t damage their pride and is explained long enough for them to be comfortable with the change.”


The most visible symbols of our democracy, where decisions are theoretically made, are our parliaments. Once elected, MPs may find that their contribution and that of the parliament as a whole is much more limited than the theories of representative government suggest. It is fair to say that, even with the expanding contribution made by the Senate Committee system, executive domination remains a hallmark of Australian politics. This too may have contributed to the alienation of voters.

The author of a Parliamentary Library report compiled as part of the Centenary of Federation celebrations concluded that “the domination of the Parliament by a disciplined bipolar party system meant that the House of Representatives came to be seen at worst as a theatre of meaningless ritual and at best as an institution under the foot of the Executive”. (2) Although she politely places her observations beyond contemporary politics, the view is one that is often repeated today.

There are many, myself included, who believe that the Parliament is long overdue for substantial reform to enable it to take greater responsibility for its own affairs and to act independently of the government of the day. Our current system is increasingly based on the “rubber stamp” model of government criticised by the Clerk of the Senate, Harry Evans in his commentary on Howard’s proposal to water down the role of the Senate:

“The electors elect a party (or a party leader) to govern. The government governs with total power to change the law and virtually do what it likes between elections.”

In this scenario, the MPs are there for no other purpose than to register the voters’ choice. What then is the purpose of having a Parliament at all? If this is the way government is to operate, then there appears to be little justification for all the effort and expense entailed.

One of the more disquieting experiences in the Federal Parliament is that most speeches are delivered without an audience, into the void. Speech after carefully prepared speech disappears without a trace having no impact on the fate of the legislation. This, in the House of Representatives, is determined in advance by the simple arithmetic of majority. Even in the Senate, where outcomes are more fluid, deals are done behind closed doors rather than fleshed out in public.

This is particularly true of the House of Representatives, where there is almost no opportunity for individual members (or even the opposition en bloc) to introduce or modify legislation. Scrutiny of the Executive is limited to the charade that is Question Time, when no questions are answered. Committees in the Lower House, while they often inquire into matters of great significance, have no capacity to quiz ministers and bureaucrats about budgets and legislation. Some of our brightest and best are effectively excluded from the tasks they were elected to perform.

Question time is often mentioned by voters as one of the most irritating of Parliamentary procedures with its aggressive and insulting language, accusations instead of questions, replies that contain no information and evade the question, and gratuitous attacks on political opponents – all in the atmosphere of an unruly locker room complete with “sin bin”. I agree with Coghill’s assertion that “the rules for Question Time are so ridiculous it is no surprise that they generate the type of behaviour we see on the nightly news”, and his contention that it has “degenerated almost to a farce”. As a result, Question Time rarely functions as it was intended – as a means of ensuring accountability of the executive, exposing abuses of power and corruption and challenging the arbitrary exercise of power by the government.

While most MPs I have met are conscientious, they are largely unable to influence the legislative or policy agenda except behind the closed doors of the party rooms. Even then, there is often little room to manoeuvre because decisions have already been made by the Executive. Matters which deserve free and open consideration are often submerged because of anxiety about dissent. The media feeds this paranoia by portraying even the most minor disagreements as tests of leadership or signs of party disintegration. The absence of any dissent from the entire Coalition back bench about the attack on Iraq is mute testimony to this stranglehold.

Indeed, it is fair to say that the opportunities to speak open openly are becoming more and more constrained. I think the community wants its political leaders to stand for something and to be prepared to publicly stand on the issues. Too often we are driven by the polls or what the media tells us matters and not by conviction. We have a political culture of pandering, of telling people what they want to hear. It is by definition a grey and cautious culture because it removes all the contentious issues and seeks to offend no one. Confected personality politics and theatrical “biff” then substitutes for genuine debate on the values and solutions which are our responsibility to propose.

While the Parliament often seeks the views of the community and of experts in various fields, most of this contribution occurs in committees whose deliberations and conclusions are ignored. A treasure trove of thoughtful and meticulously prepared submissions and reports languish in countless bottom drawers.

On a broader front, members of the wider community are pressing for greater involvement in decision making while their representatives, especially in government appear to be moving in the opposite direction, involving fewer and fewer people, with less and less public scrutiny of the development of public policy.

Idiots? Political Knowledge and Participation

Having laid much of the blame for the problems with our democracy at the feet of political parties and politicians, I think it only fair to reflect on the role that citizens – and voters – play in our democracy. Citizens themselves must share some of the blame for declining interest and participation. It’s always easier to leave the work of democracy to others.

Perhaps it would pay us to reflect on the etymology of the word idiot – Greek “idios” – “one’s own”, someone who does not participate in public affairs. Only later did the word acquire the connotation of someone incapable of participating in public affairs. If we do not pay attention to the state of our democracy, we could become idiots in both senses and end up, as we were before the development of democracy, as “subjects” again.

I think we all assume that, as a minimum, a competent voter should be a knowledgeable one, that “democratic citizens should have a minimum understanding of the political system in which they express preferences and elect representatives”. Governments almost certainly operate more democratically when people have a greater range and depth of information about politics and when the distribution of knowledge is more equitable.

People in developed democracies are now better educated than at any time in the past, but surprisingly, at the same time as general levels of education are rising, knowledge of the political system has not improved – as far as we can tell – here or elsewhere.

McAllister has argued that any assessment of political knowledge should include both knowledge of events, personalities and institutions as well as political concepts and the procedures by which political institutions operate. (3) McAllister’s research in Australia has revealed a high level of political ignorance – typical of other developed democracies. Of those questioned here, 55% did not know that the Senate was based on proportional representation and only 5% were able to answer correctly all of the questions put.

There is a great deal of evidence of a large and apparently growing uninformed segment of the population, a group that is also less likely to participate in political activity of any kind. Research shows that political participation and knowledge affect each other reciprocally. Knowledge is a prerequisite to effective political engagement and in turn participation informs citizens about politics and increases their attentiveness to political events. This is one of the apparent benefits of compulsory voting, although the degree of “participation” reflected in voting is perhaps the bare minimum.

Around the world, the decline in political participation – particularly in voting – is greatest among those with less education, less money and fewer connections and is most pronounced amongst the young. In the United States, today’s young adults are less politically interested and informed than any cohort of young people on record.

The weakening of political parties and the replacement of policy focused with personality based campaigning has been cited as one of the factors contributing to this decline. The dearth of information about values and policies and the way they affect various groups in the community also reduces the motivation of people to get involved. Marginal seat campaigning which responds to the ephemeral moods of the most undecided effectively says to half the population, ‘Your needs and interests are irrelevant – you’re just spectators’.

The narrowing divide between major parties of the left and right also makes it harder for voters to distinguish among political alternatives, leaving them effectively less politically informed. “Citizen competence is largely a function of the political environment, which often gives the citizen difficult tasks and little support for reforming them.” (4) In this respect, it is instructive to contrast the millions of young people who vote in “Big Brother” elections at some monetary cost with the level of enthusiasm amongst the same young people for general elections, in which they often say they’re not interested and can’t be bothered to vote.

Many people of good will are worried about the direction in which Australia is headed but uncertain about where to turn for an analysis and understanding of what may be done. They are confused by the apparent convergence of the two parties, wanting at least to hear a debate on issues such as the role of government, population and immigration, rising inequality, reconciliation with our indigenous people, simultaneous underemployment and overwork, human rights and international citizenship, models of economic growth, balancing work and life and the priority which should be given to environmental improvement and protection.

In the past, the major political parties, here and elsewhere, were differentiated by their economic and social philosophies. As parties have converged and become less clearly defined, candidate and leadership centered campaigning has become more pronounced. As a result elections are reduced to a competition between individuals rather than ideas and campaign coverage becomes just another from of infotainment, focusing on personality and appeal. Who is more popular or likeable is more important than what they have to say about policy and the contests themselves become more “personal” and negative. For many people this is so offensive that they simply turn off.

In response to this apparent lack on interest and knowledge among many voters, some political activists fall back on democratic elitism. Rather than encouraging participation, they are content to accept this passivity and to circumscribe the voters’ task to choosing between competing elites who will then make all the important decisions on behalf of all the electorate. This seems increasingly to be the view of the cadre of professional politicians who control the development of policy and the conduct of elections. They see no benefit in getting the citizenry involved.

The Role of the Media in Representing Politics and Politicians

No assessment of the state of our democracies would be complete without examining the role the media play in shaping political debates and personalities. There is a widespread belief that the mass media have played a significant role in eroding trust and interest in politics.

Whatever the truth of this assertion, most voters devote only a tiny proportion of their time to the analysis of personalities and issues and often use shortcuts to help them make reasonable choices with imperfect information. They combine, as Popkin observes, “learning and information from past experiences, daily life, the media and political campaigns”. (5) The media have considerable power to frame our understanding of public life, to set the agenda on key issues and to influence the political process. The treatment by the media of the attack on Iraq is the most recent vivid illustration of this effect.

What is certain is that most people do not experience politics at first hand. Voters’ perceptions of the political figures and issues are shaped principally through the news media: this is even more likely in large scale, national and state based constituencies where personal contact with the candidates is made difficult by the sheer weight of numbers and distances. Such coverage is necessarily selective. It may be said that, in this sense, the news media shape rather than mirror the political landscape.

In general, political activities are portrayed in the media as fiercely competitive. Debates are frequently described in adversarial terms and those elements of political life which most resemble combat are most likely to be reported. There is, in all the media, a highly selective reading of issues, a tendency that is cultivated by many in politics. Serving politicians come to appreciate that coverage is more likely if their statements and images are provocative and controversial. Reasoned and moderate argument delivered without vitriol is given a wide berth.

Television, in particular, seems unable to cover complex stories in which the image is secondary to the facts. It is fair to say that the coverage of politics – and current affairs generally – has increasingly come to resemble entertainment. Confrontational media images give the impression that politics is only about argument and conflict, “that all parties are constantly locked in permanent and irreconcilable conflict”.

The choice, for example, to restrict most images of parliamentary proceedings to Question Time with the constant shouting, heckling and interjections reinforces the view of politics as a blood sport unworthy of all but the crude, rude and unattractive.

In addition, debate about politics via current affairs programs is often combative, with the interviewers setting up political opposites for confrontation or adopting an aggressive posture, regardless of whether is contributes to a better understanding of the issues. Interviewer’s reputations are made by their success in unsettling or demolishing interviewees. It appears not to matter that little light has been shed on the subject under discussion. In fairness, the same criteria are often used by politicians to judge their own performance in the media.

There is fairly general consensus among politicians, regardless of political affiliation, that there has been an increasing trend toward “tabloidisation” of both print and electronic media. Political and current affairs coverage is characterised by increasingly brief “grabs”, trivialisation and sensationalism – all inimical to sustained and complex debate. There is also and increasing trend for reporters and presenters’ views to be more intrusive, often ignoring what the interviewee has to say in favour of the media personality’s “authoritative” assertions.

The descriptive style of journalism which focused on the views and behaviour of newsmakers has been replaced by reporting which places the reporter at the centre of the action. In the United States, this has reached the point where during the 2000 campaign, for every minute that the candidates spoke, the network correspondents spoke for six. And their tone was “skeptical, negative and strategic”, a disposition which appears to have contributed to distrust of politicians. (6) This distrust then feeds into reduced involvement including in watching news about politics and campaigns. News organisations then cut back on their coverage or make it softer, producing further declines in involvement.

It’s perhaps not surprising that television has been identified as one of the major causes of declining civic engagement. As one researcher put it, this is primarily a “knowledge reducing effect” as newspapers and public service radio and TV announcements are replaced by commercial TV as the primary source of political information. (7) The commercial media, in particular, devote less time to current political events and when they do, it is often in sensationalist and strategic terms. Candidates are ignored or portrayed as boring if they run issues based campaigns. Attacking sound bites get airtime, positive problem solving statements get the delete button.

In general, we have yet to fully calculate the effects of the transition from word to image on our democracy. As Barber encapsulates the problem:

“A succession of fast-moving images is not conducive to thinking, but it does accommodate advertising, manipulation and propaganda, and these are the hallmarks of modern consumer culture and its privatizing political ideology that displaces governments with markets.” (8)

Media Manipulation

The media are also the principal means by which governments attempt to manipulate public opinion. Propaganda – now called “spin” in an attempt to render it innocuous- is the antithesis of democratic discourse.

We sometimes forget that the restriction of information and the manipulation of public opinion are not solely the prerogatives of totalitarian Governments. Indeed the use of propaganda techniques has been, and is, commonplace in Australia as in many other societies. These appeals persuade not through give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions.

Some of us are old enough to recall the vivid and terrifying images of the yellow peril and the “reds under your beds” drummed into us by conservative governments in the 1950s. More recent examples include Peter Reith’s “construction” of reality in the lead up to the waterfront dispute, the government’s sustained campaign to dehumanise asylum seekers, and the continuing attempts to justify the attack on Iraq.

In the lead up to the sacking of waterfront workers, Reith employed classic propaganda techniques: creating the stereotype of the greedy wharfie by grossly exaggerating their rates of pay and conditions, misrepresenting productivity levels and engaging in continuous name calling and repetition of negative phrases (e.g. rorts) and simplistic slogans.

The goal was clearly to destroy collective action and to ensure that the workers were segregated and alone in bargaining with their employers. There was considerable irony in the alternative labour force later banding together to sue the Minister and the Government for misleading and manipulating them.

The Reith tactics were part of a long-standing propaganda war perpetrated largely by major corporations to portray unions as disruptive, greedy and harmful to the public interest as defined by the business community and its allies. By virtue of their strategic position, docks have long been the crucibles of struggles for improved wages and conditions in most countries, including Australia. Since it is at the heart of the union movement it is attacked – and defended- with considerable vigour.

This was obviously just a practice run for the concerted campaign of vilification which has been conducted against asylum seekers who’ve arrived on our shores in leaky boats. It was Reith too who managed the “children overboard” scandal and repeated with Ruddock and Howard the many calumnies perpetrated against these people. For political advancement they still continue to denigrate their victims, many of whom remain hopelessly strung between their fear of returning to face persecution and their despair at indefinite detention.

It is no accident that in both the cases I have cited, the sell job followed market research and opinion polling. While such polling has some uses, it is also one of the starting points for propaganda and media manipulation designed to convince an unsuspecting public that what is being proposed, while it might appear damaging, is actually benign – “Toxic Sludge Is Good For You”. (9)

Implicit in these strategies is the desire to control public access to information on the grounds that the political elite is best placed to understand what is in the public interest. The strategies rest on the assumption that open and informed public debate is either impossible or undesirable. This is also clearly the view of some in the media – the so-called elite opinion.

Law and order campaigns designed to frighten the population and distract from hard questions of causation provide another illustration of the operation of privileged interests. The fact is that analyses of the causes of crime invariably point to inequality of wealth and power as critical factors. The necessary remedies, including the redistribution of both wealth and power, are not likely to be advocated by the likes of Packer and Murdoch or the political players who protect their privileged allies. They prefer to feed people on a steady diet of alarming images which generate fear and outrage, but not much else.

This is important because the steady diet of bad news can simply bolster the status quo and bad news can, and does, convince people that the world is much more dangerous than it is.

Gerbner found that people who watch a lot of television see the world as much more threatening and filled with menace than those who watch less. Fears about crime, often exploited by politicians, have less to do with actual crime rates than with the perception we get from the news. Bad news can create panic and distort the policy agenda. It’s anyone’s guess how fearful people have become after the declaration of the so-called “War on Terror” and the constant bombardment with threat assessments and warnings of imminent disaster

It is generally the case that those who “engineer consent” are those with the resources and the power to do so – principally the business community and some in the political class. It may be said that the well-connected and the well-protected can work the system, but the interests of the ordinary citizen are often left out.

The major political parties in Australia are becoming more and more dependent on the PR industry – the consultants, marketers and social scientists who manage and promote causes and candidates. The current government routinely undertakes market research and polling at taxpayer’s expense to “test messages” and spin the most acceptable lines. The insistence by the Prime Minister that to do anything other than support out troops as they were sent off to attack Iraq was, almost certainly, a market research driven line. Nothing else really worked.

Protection of citizen’s rights and minority interests

One of the consequences of this sustained manipulation of the media is that many Australians have stood by uncomplaining – even cheering – as their own rights, as well as those of minorities such as indigenous people and refugees, have been eroded. Had it not been for the Senate, many were apparently untroubled by the original ASIO Bill which would have seen children as young as ten detained and searched. The government knew that there was little opposition to detention without trial because they had already left citizens to rot for months in Guantanamo Bay, without lifting a finger to insist on their minimum legal rights. And they had already successfully trampled on Indigenous property rights and disrespectfully denied them recognition and compensation for dispossession and suffering under separation policies. They also knew that they enjoyed widespread community support for locking up refugees indefinitely, in defiance of every international human rights convention. On this front our democracy is in a parlous state. We need a Bill of Rights.

Reforms to increase participation

Popular dissatisfaction with present democratic structures is fuelling calls for reform all over the world. Recent data from the U.K. indicates that the politically dissatisfied are more likely to favour constitutional reforms, such as changes in the role of the House of Lords, judicial protection of human rights, and greater public access to government information.

Recent electoral reforms in Italy, Japan, and New Zealand resulted from public dissatisfaction with the electoral process. Interestingly, as one nation moves towards Proportional Representation (PR) as a solution, another moves in the opposite direction. This makes me sceptical that reforms to political parties and electoral systems are sufficient to address the present malaise. Widespread declines in political support, and growing alienation from various institutions and forms of the democratic process suggest that the sources of dissatisfaction go deeper than what can be addressed by modest electoral reforms.

However, it is worth noting that there is a well-established turnout boost associated with electoral systems based on proportional representation. It has been argued that this is due to otherwise excluded citizens seeking representation from small parties incapable of breaking through in winner-takes all contests. Every vote then does count, as it does with Senate voting in Australia. Under PR, parties have an incentive to inform all voters of their programs rather than just targeting the marginal seat voter. It is possible that PR based multi-party systems may inhibit precipitous changes in a parties’ principles and identity with the result that the political map is more stable and clearly drawn.

People are also expressing a more fundamental dissatisfaction with the system of representative democracy itself. Many express the desire to move toward greater participatory democracy.

The potential for citizen participation is limited in traditional forms of representative democracy. The opportunities for electoral input are scandalously low in most democracies, limited to the chance to cast a few votes during a multiyear electoral cycle. The declining voter turnout in advanced industrial societies suggests growing disenchantment with this form of democratic participation.

Barber’s alternative to this “thin” democracy, a “strong” democracy, incorporates muscular participatory and deliberative elements, something that many citizens are urging for Australia. In such democracies, citizens are engaged in political action and are prepared to engage in debate and deliberation in order to reach agreement about solutions to shared problems. In other words, citizens take a greater role in governing themselves.

Strengthened commitments to the democratic ideal and increased skills and resources in contemporary societies can lead to increased political participation beyond the present forms of representative democracy. A growing body of international research has documented a steady growth of protest and direct-action methods.

It also shows that while participation in elections may be declining, direct contact with government officials and politicians and work with community groups has been increasing. Participation in new social movements, such as the environmental movement, has also increased substantially over the past generation.

These new participation patterns are creating pressure on governments to develop forms of more direct, participatory democracy. For example, surveys of the German public indicate that democratic norms are broadening to embrace more participatory forms of democracy. The use of referendums and initiatives is generally increasing in democratic nations. Younger generations and the better educated are more likely to favour referendums, greater participation by the citizenry, and other forms of direct democracy. The Internet shows promise as a means of broadening the scale and scope of political discussion.

A recent review of the social movement literature describes other ways that institutional reforms can increase direct citizen participation in policy making. In Germany, for example, local citizen action groups have won changes in administrative law to allow for citizen participation in local administrative processes.

Italian environmental legislation now grants individuals legal standing in the courts when they seek to protect the environment from the actions of municipalities or government administrative agencies.

These institutional changes are difficult to accomplish and therefore are likely to proceed at a slow pace; but once implemented they restructure the whole process of making policy that extends beyond a single issue or a single policy agenda.

Similar reforms need to be debated in Australia.

It is possible to do much better, to open up decision making, to involve more MPs and engage the wider community, to actually thrash out the issues in real debates. Australia was once considered the “democratic laboratory” of the world. It’s time to conduct a few new experiments to revive our body politic and embrace the principles of openness, accessibility and accountability.

As a start we could:

* As in the new Scottish Parliament, establish an all party Business Committee to determine the business of the Parliament including the allocation of business to committees. The Committee would require regular endorsement of the Parliament for its plans,

* Amend standing orders to require that a greater proportion of parliamentary time is devoted to non-government business,

* Ensure that legislation introduced by the Executive undergoes a substantial period of pre-legislative development and consultation through the relevant committees, interest groups and the general public,

* Give committees the power to initiate legislation arising from their inquiries, especially if the government has failed to respond to major recommendations,

* Establish joint estimates and legislation committees with the power to question public servants and ministers from either House and to take submissions and commission independent research,

* Limit the number of speakers on legislation and change the standing orders to ensure that a real debate occurs with members from both sides to provide a quorum,

* Restrict Question Time to genuine questions without notice, with a majority going to the Opposition,

* Devote the second chamber to a more extensive deliberation of the bills in committee,

* Provide for private bills which allow private citizens or groups (with sufficient backing) to bring certain matters before the Parliament, probably through sponsoring MPs,

* Require that all petitions be investigated, if necessary by special hearings, of a dedicated petitions’ committee,

* Commission citizens’ juries or deliberative polls on contentious and complex issues,

* Invite expert and community representatives to address the chamber in session and engage in debate with members,

* Promote and sponsor the establishment of groups such as civic and youth forums to enable more regular and efficient consultation with the public, and

* Strengthen freedom of information legislation to reduce the number of exemptions from disclosure.

As well as engaging the general public and their representatives more fully in the democratic process, I believe such initiatives could transform politics in the way that many have dreamed about; into a more engaged and active democracy. The goals of greater participation, more civil and co-operative parliamentary conduct and an informed public debate are worth striving for.

Slow Politics

In preparing for this lecture I read quite a lot of speculative material about the likely effect of the Internet on the operation of modern democracy. It struck me, as I thought about the Internet with its impressive speed, that a strong democracy actually needs a speed limit sign.

We need a political equivalent of the “slow food” movement to enable people to stop and think about the nature of the problems they confront, to assemble all the best ingredients for solutions to these problems and to debate the respective merits of various proposals.

In a speech to the Wesley College Foundation, John Menadue asserted that:

“Politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians. Unaided, they will not reform our political outlook.”

At one level this might be taken as yet another blow in the national sport of bashing politicians, but Menadue was, in fact, making the more serious point that the health of our democracy requires greater involvement and participation from party members and the community at large. It’s a view I share.

We need to take politics beyond the politicians.


Carmen Lawrence delivered this manifesto to protect and enhance our democracy at a public lecture at the University of Western Australia on August 7. She is standing for the ALP presidency in the first direct election of a president by the rank and file since the ALP changed party rules to encourage greater participation by party members after its 2001 federal election defeat.


1. McAllister, Ian, A crisis of democracy – again, in ‘Policy Review’, Summer 2000-2001, 47-49

2. Thompson, Elaine, Australian parliamentary democracy after a century: What gains, what losses? ‘Vision in hindsight: Parliament and the Constitution,’ Paper No. 4, p6, 2000

3. McAllister, I, Civic education and political knowledge in Australia, Australian Senate Occasional Lecture Series, Canberra, 2001

4. Kuklinski, J.H. and Quirk, J.J., Citizen competence revisited, presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco

5. Popkin, Samuel I, The reasoning voter: Communication and persuasion in presidential campaigns, Chicago University Press, 1991

6. Patterson, T.E., The vanishing voter: Civic involvement in the Age of Uncertainty, Alfred A. Knoph, 2002

7. Milner, H., Political participation and the political knowledge of adults and adolescents, paper presented at the 30th ACPR Joint Session Workshops, University of Turin, 1998

8. Barber, B.B., Which technology and which democracy? MIT Communications Forum, 2003

9. Stauber, J. & Rampton, S., Toxic sludge is good for you: Lies, damn lies and the public relations industry, Monroe, Maine, Common courage press, 1995

Here I am

This is the speech Tania Major, 22, will deliver on Wednesday at a meeting between John Howard Howard and Cape York leaders. Tania has a degree in criminology and is a trainee manager at her home community of Kowanyama on Cape York and an ATSIC Regional Councillor.


Here I am

by Tania Major

Here I am: a young Cape York woman addressing the Prime Minister of Australia directly. The fact that you are here today, Mr Howard, is largely due to the hard work and vision of our leaders.

We are proud of their efforts. Especially I want to mention Noel Pearson. He has been my mentor and contributed to paying for my education. We are also proud of the efforts of our elders who have struggled to keep our culture alive.

I thank you for coming here today and acknowledge that your visit might signify the start of a new era in Cape York Peninsulas Aboriginal governance. I say ‘might’ because there is a huge job in front of us and if we are going to succeed we need your commitment as well as our own. I hope this is truly the start of a new relationship between Government and Cape York Peninsula people.

In less then 60 years the people of my tribe have gone from being an independent nation to cultural prisoners to welfare recipients. Is it any wonder that there are so many problems facing indigenous Australians today? Prime Minister, I want you to gain a brief picture of the life of young people in our communities.

When I was growing up in Kowanyama there were 15 people in my class. Today I am the only one that has gone to University, let alone finished secondary education. I’m also the only girl in my class who did not have a child at 15. Of the boys in my class seven have been incarcerated, two for murder, rape and assault. Of the 15 there are only three of us who are not alcoholics. And, Prime Minister, one of the saddest things I must report to you is that four of my class mates have already committed suicide.

Now if this paints a grim picture of community life for you, it should. Life as a young Aboriginal person is not easy, in any setting. Life for a young Aboriginal woman is even harder. We have to fight for respect from every one.

The story of my fellow students is a lesson in the magnitude of the problems that young Indigenous people in Cape York face. The two issues that, in my opinion, are central to changing this story are education and health. And your Government’s policies affect these things.

Two months ago I told the Queensland Principals conference that the levels of literacy and numeracy are very low in Aboriginal communities. I told them that when I went to school in Brisbane it was as if I had missed out on my primary education.

There is a huge gap between what we get in communities and what other kids get in cities. I got straight As at Kowanyama but when I got to Brisbane I was getting Cs and Ds. It really goes to show that there was something seriously wrong with the education system in our communities.

One of the problems facing education in remote Indigenous schools is that teachers tend to be just out of training and generally stay for only a year or two. There was not one teacher who stayed for the whole of my nine years at school, even the principals. On top of the racism that Aboriginal people face every day of our lives this seeming lack of commitment by teachers makes you feel they don’t care.

Prime Minister we need to review the curriculum in these communities because it’s pitched at a very low level. I have had to draw the conclusion that Governments and educationalists see us as less than white people.

It was really sad to go to school in my community because the attitude in the whole community was that white kids are much smarter than me. How can the education being offered to our young people be justified?

Education should be uplifting not serve to reinforce lack of self-esteem and the heart wrenching low expectations that my mob suffer from. If we cannot get education right then we are doomed.

We need a massive re-assessment of education policies and an equally massive investment in education. Government let down most of my classmates. Noel Pearson helped me to an education, but most young people won’t be assisted by a sponsor.

I got a chance in my life, worked hard with support from family and friends and today I stand before you as a qualified criminologist. All across Cape York I see and meet young Murris; smart, brave, compassionate, talented and beautiful. What is missing from their lives is an education that promotes self-confidence and drive.

With these qualities, hundreds of Cape York Peninsula Murris could be the next group of doctors, lawyers, painters, mechanics, criminologists or engineers. We have spent so long listening to some whitefellas telling us we are stupid, lazy no-hopers that the majority of my people actually believe it.

The relationship between poor education and poor health is clear. People whose self-esteem and pride have been decimated by a sub-standard education system and a social system that creates an addiction to passive welfare have little reason to live healthy lives.

Prime Minister, our health is getting worse not better. The policies that determine the delivery of health services are deeply flawed by a bureaucracy that does not want to let go and hear our voices. Health services are too often confined to the clinic. It’s a patch em up and spit em out kind of health regime.

In Kowanyama we had the only doctor based in a Cape York Aboriginal community. She left two weeks ago because the Queensland Health bureaucracy did not support her. Her practice epitomised the sort of health system we need. She understood the relationship between physical, mental and spiritual health. She took health out of the clinic and into the lives and homes of community people. She took her responsibilities to serve the community seriously and now she’s gone. Another blow to my community’s already low morale.

Prime Minister, it’s problems and challenges such as the ones I’ve described to you already that led me to stand in last October’s ATSIC election. I decided to run because I believe ATSIC provides a great opportunity to advocate for my people; to have a say in distributing funding through out Cape York Peninsula and influence State and Federal Government policy decisions that affect me and my people.

It is great privilege for me to represent my community and I hope that with experience I will be an effective ATSIC Councillor.

I know that in the coming months your Government will decide the future of ATSIC and I hope that you will understand that ATSIC is more than the Board of Commissioners and the Canberra bureaucracy. ATSIC is also people like myself and my Chairperson Eddie Woodley. People who are from community and work hard for community.

Prime Minister, we recognise that Governments cannot solve our problems for us. As young people we are trying to take responsibility for our future. We are working with our Elders to address the terrible problems of grog, illicit drugs and violence. We are working hard to create economic, training and employment opportunities for ourselves. We are supporting our fellow young people to achieve their potential.

Mr Howard, I ask not that you fix these problems for us but that you and your Government see us as equal partners in the huge task of rebuilding our families, communities and Cape York Peninsula.

You have demonstrated your commitment by engaging your government at the recent family and domestic violence summit and, for what it’s worth Prime Minister, my own view is that the level of domestic violence and child abuse sums up all that has been wrong with Aboriginal affairs policy.

We need a new relationship to address this frightening reality in our lives. Aboriginal people are reluctant to admit that young girls and women are being raped by their own people because of the blanket of shame. I am asking you to help lift that blanket.

The fact that you are here today is a good start in the process of change and I urge you, as a fair minded man, not just as Prime Minister, to become part of the solution. I stand up here as a proud Aboriginal woman, a Kokoberra woman as well as a criminologist and I thank you for your time and attention.


In the depths of the gut-wrenching and brutal debate in 2001 about the rape allegations against Geoff Clark and the exposure they triggered of the nightmare lives of many women and children in Aboriginal communities, I wrote about the need for a changing of the guard in Aboriginal leadership. At the time, I tried to get some young leaders to speak out but they refused, citing the tradition of respect for elders. Geoff Clark’s determination to hold on, and on, to power appears to have hastened the necessary guard-change. I’ve republished below a Herald piece I wrote during the rape debate calling for the abolition of ATSIC, and a piece I wrote for the Herald in January 2000 on welfare dependence and the failure of progressives on indigenous policy. Webdiary’s discussion of the rape allegations and subsequent revelations is at Rape and racismUs and themThe sound of values clashingSex, race, violence, politics, media, law – where to for reconciliation?Time for actionIt’s make or break timeRay and TerryEnding the cover-upEasing black men’s rage: many rivers to cross and Geoff, where do you get off?


Abolish ATSIC

by Margo Kingston, SMH June 27, 2001

It’s time to stop messing around. ATSIC must be overhauled, the cover-up must end and a fresh, new Aboriginal body put in place to lead the fight for the safety of Aboriginal women and children.

When Evelyn Scott wrote last week that violence against Aboriginal women had become “a part of our tradition and culture and cannot be spoken about” and that “many women and children are cowed into helplessness by their menfolk” the end was nigh for ATSIC in its current form.

When senior Aboriginal women backed her dreadful confession and Australians learned that ATSIC was part of the conspiracy of silence and inaction, the end had come.

Now claims of sexual misconduct swirl around three senior Aboriginal male leaders, all members of the ATSIC hierarchy.

Now Reconciliation Australia, the replacement body for the Council of Aboriginal Reconciliation, urges an end to the talk and the beginning of concentrated, concerted action to save Aboriginal women and children from endemic physical and sexual violence.

ATSIC should have led this debate for years. It should have been its top priority to expose the crisis and to shame white governments into financing solutions. Imagine a world where there is no safe house, nowhere to go if a mother or her child has been raped or bashed. As Labor’s spokeswoman on the status of women, Carmen Lawrence, told the Herald: “There’s no refuges, there’s no support from the legal system, and women are often exposed to the same players. These are the key reasons why indigenous women often shut up about it.”

Yet rather than protect its children, ATSIC was largely silent. It has not denied a devastating claim by former minister John Herron that when he raised the issue five years ago the ATSIC board denied its existence, and that in 1999 deputy chairman Ray Robinson told him ATSIC would allocate a mere $200,000.

Yet in 1995 ATSIC agreed to pay Robinson $45,000 to pursue a private legal action against the Queensland Government for wrongful arrest, after he had been convicted of rape in 1989 (his second rape conviction) then acquitted at a retrial in 1992.

What business was it for ATSIC to underwrite this action, as well as top up his legal expenses?

Robinson said last week on behalf of the ATSIC board that unanimously backed Geoff Clark that ATSIC “will support him in whatever legal course of action he should pursue in seeking remedy against the newspaper”.

Maybe it is time for Aboriginal leaders who cut their teeth winning equal rights for Aboriginal people decades ago to step down in favour of young Aboriginal leaders with fresh ideas and a fresh commitment to further the interests of their people.

One thing is certain: this discredited ATSIC, which cannot see that the safety of Aboriginal children is its top priority, has lost its authority to speak to the Australian people on behalf of the Aboriginal people of Australia.


Labor’s silence can only harm Aborigines (published January 17, 2000)

It’s time to the Opposition to stop tiptoeing around the problem of welfare-dependence among indigenous people, writes Margo Kingston.

DURING the last Federal election campaign, Pauline Hanson faced claims by a Queensland One Nation MP that indigenous Australians were better off when they lived and worked on pastoral leases “for a bit of meat”. Hanson responded that it was a much “happier time for the Aborigines and the pastoralists”. The next year, Noel Pearson began his crusade to end “the poison of welfare”, and came close to concurring:

“The dilemma facing policymakers at the time the equal wage case was being debated [in 1965] was this. On the one hand, Aboriginal stockworkers were being discriminated against in relation to their wages and conditions and this could not continue,” Pearson said. “On the other hand, it was clear to everyone that the institution of equal wages would result in the …removal of Aboriginal people from cattle station work to social security on the settlements.”

The tragic consequences of taking the latter option were cultural (Aborigines removed from traditional lands to settlements), social (work to no work) and an end to coexistence, however flawed.

Equal rights for Aborigines are an essential ingredient of a civilised society and a bedrock precursor to reconciliation, but Pearson believes the Government should have used Aborigines’ social security entitlements “to subsidise continued work in the cattle industry” and improve living conditions on the stations. Ironically, this would have meant agreements between government, pastoralists and Aborigines, something taking place only now since the Wik decision.

Labor’s Aboriginal affairs spokesman, Bob McMullan, notes that Pearson’s honesty about the horrors of welfare dependency in Aboriginal communities and his radical solutions like giving social security entitlements to Aboriginal communities rather than individuals are fraught with danger, including One Nation-type dangers of winding back rights.

But Labor has succumbed to this fear for too long. It has not yet engaged in serious public discourse on Aboriginal welfare, leaving itself open to Pearson’s charge that “the left side of politics is strong and correct on rights and the conservative side is strong and correct on responsibilities”.

Another reason for Labor’s silence is its lack of fresh ideas after establishing ATSIC, the embodiment of its self-determination ideal. That vacuum saw Paul Keating renege on the third prong of his promised response to the High Court’s Ameba decision a comprehensive plan to ensure social justice for Aborigines.

As the revolutionary ATSIC endured teething problems, money disappeared before it reached those on the ground. In 1994, an evaluation of Labor’s $250 million Aboriginal health strategy found “little evidence” that it ever existed, “a lack of political will” to get the job done and “a confusing and dysfunctional array of political responses” standing between problem and solution.

The then minister, Robert Tickner, said the Government needed “vision and purpose” to break through, and warned of the pending political mood shift which would fan Hanson’s flame. “The climate of public and government opinion is changing… Now is the time to act,” Tickner said then.

Most Australians are eager for new solutions which benefit from old failures, and would agree with Pearson that it is no longer enough “to just hold on to our ideals as a matter of philosophy and intellectual debate [while] the real society and economy unravels in front of our eyes”.

Keating’s Labor took responsibility for health away from ATSIC and gave it to the health minister. The Coalition’s Michael Wooldridge, deeply committed to Aboriginal advancement, has begun moving some decision-making and responsibility for Aboriginal community health to communities on the ground.

This attachment of rights and responsibilities in a constructive way is what Pearson is talking about.

Last year Peter Reith made an impact with a pilot employment program where private sector employers get a $4,000 subsidy to place an indigenous Australian in paid work for 26 weeks.

Reith’s response to the “special treatment” brigade was the simple, effective statement that Aboriginal unemployment was higher than the average and his job was to ensure equality for all Australians.

It is senseless for progressives committed to the survival of Aboriginal people and their culture to tiptoe around Aboriginal welfare dependence because they fear that engagement would fuel racist flames.

Everyone sees the problem, and without a progressive philosophy to tackle it, the solutions may end up promoting a largely unstated goal of many on the Right assimilation.

Reconciliation is about each culture learning from and adjusting to the other. It should enrich the lives of all Australians. I don’t fear what will happen if progressives publicly debate the future of Aboriginal welfare. I do fear what will happen if they don’t.

How the ALP can win: A conservative sportsloving couch potato’s game plan

To the chagrin of all art-loving, latte drinking, foreign-film watching bleeding hearts out there, 21st Century Australia is dominated by sport, sport and more sport. So when the ALP considers how it is going to dig itself out of its electoral hole it could look at what Australian sporting clubs do when faced with a crisis.

1. Get everyone swimming in the same direction

An age-old adage in Australian sporting clubs is that if performance on the field is consistently bad for a long period of time then something is going wrong off the field. It could be at board level, or with the coaching staff or player recruitment, but if everyone is not moving in the same direction you can hardly expect the players to get it right on the field.

Simon Crean and his leadership group are the players. Is everyone behind them swimming in the same direction? Can they really be expected to get political traction when there are factions within the party actively undermining them?

2. Do we have the structure in place for success on the field?

You can have all the best tactical ideas for on-field performance but if you do not have the structure in place to facilitate the best outcomes you end up butting your head against the proverbial brickwall. The lines of communication need to be open between all levels of the organisation – between the board and the coaching staff, coaching staff and recruiters, and the club and its fans.

Whilst there have been many internal reforms going in the ALP, have they got the most crucial part of their structure right – open lines of communication?

3. Do we have the right people in place?

It’s obvious that you need the right coach, on field captain and leadership group. To keep your fans turning up week in and week out during bad on-field performances is very difficult, but if the fans believe your coach and captain are capable of turning the situation around they’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

But the fans are only part of it. If the whole organisation is not in agreement on these key positions then it pervades all on and off-field debate.

The most important qualities of sporting club leaders are a core system of beliefs about the club and the ability to get everyone to sacrifice self-interest for the team’s success.

Are Simon Crean and his leadership group able to inspire this in the ALP? Maybe the lack of a structure behind Crean means he hasn’t got a united team, but I don’t think so. The problem is that there is a fundamental rift about the core systems of belief in the party. Can Simon Crean win over everyone in his organisation to his core system of beliefs? If he can, players will put aside personal ambition for party success.

4. Process over Results

This is a very fashionable concept in sporting circles. If we get the process and execution right then the results will follow. This means preparation – diet, physical training and tactical drills. The thinking is that we get right what we can control before we even think about our opponents.

Rather than responding to the issues occupying the day- to the daily news cycle – the ALP should be getting its preparation right. Do the shadow ministers fully, deeply understand what is happening in their portfolio? Do the backbenchers know what their electorates think? Is there a strong process in place to get all the best ideas in the party to the leadership group? Have they sought advice from specialists outside their organisation?

5. Passion

Fans and coaches will forgive a lot of things if the players have passion. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you do not have passion you will never win the trust of the coach or the devotion of the fans.

The ALP committed a heinous sin by adopting the small target, ‘not lose’ strategy. The leadership turned off ALP representatives, members and supportive voters by not showing passion. The Australian public knows what John Howard stands for but do they know what the ALP stands for.

6. Keep it simple, stupid

Whether the message is from the coach to the players, the club to its fans or the club to its sponsors, the adage ‘Keep it simple, stupid’ always applies. It is the hallmark to success in any club because it usually means that everyone can understand the message and sign up to it.

Whether it is a message to voters or within its organisation the ALP has to keep the message simple. Contrast the knowledge nation hodge podge with IT’S TIME.

Maybe Simon Crean should visit Arden St. and ask the boys at his beloved North Melbourne how they keep a financially struggling club alive.

Disclosure: I’m one of those over-represented, much maligned minority groups – conservative white male. Love my footy (any and all footy), cricket, beer, bourbon and horse racing. My left-over brain cells from years of party hard in Sydney’s pubs and clubs have been used to work over-time (without union representation) and to consume history, philosophy and espionage books. I’ve worked in dodgy $2 shops and as a disability support staffer, a failed pool hustler, a battered and bruised bubble stockbroker and a resident jack of all trades in an industrial technology company in the United States. Pet hates – bad jockeys and self-servicing politicians. Ambitions – to write a decent novel one day and to own a Melbourne Cup winner. (Daniel lives in the blue ribbon Sydney north shore seat of Bradfield.)