Liberal elder to Abbott: Dear friend, make amends on Iraq

Illustration by Martin Davies.

Former NSW Liberal Party president John Valder last night accused John Howard of being the first Prime Minister to place Australia at risk of being branded a war criminal.

Speaking at a Sydney North Shore forum on the consequences for truth and democracy of Mr Howard’s decision to invade Iraq, Mr Valder, a former backer of Mr Howard, confronted health minister Tony Abbott “as a friend”, accusing the Government of being a party to “a much greater atrocity” than the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States.

“I sense that our government has underestimated the strength of feeling on this issue, not just in this room tonight or just in this country, but right around the world,” he said. “Let’s not underestimate the enormity of what’s happened in Iraq,” where the Coalition of the Willing fired more than one million missiles on the country.

He said invading Iraq “might not end very pleasantly for the Coalition of the Willing”.

“Presidents have been indicted for much lesser crimes than what we have just this last year in Iraq”, he said, citing his belief that President Bush invaded Iraq on a false premise.

If President Bush was indicted, “where does that leave the British government and Tony Blair and our government and our Prime Minister?” he asked Mr Abbott. “Your Prime Minister … bellowed and trumpeted from the rooftops, about those wicked Weapons of Mass Destruction, and how Saddam Hussein was going to have the power to rain missiles onto the United States itself, and feed them to terrorists… that premise is entirely false.”

“I can see political parties in Britain and Australia perhaps raising the spectre of war crimes charges being levelled against them … For the first time, we have a Prime Minister who has put this country at risk of being branded as a war criminal.”

“Couple what has happened with what’s happened in human rights in this country since the children overboard (to) Guantanamo Bay, there is a total disregard, it seems, by this government, really, of human rights.” Only two of the 42 nations whose citizens the US had detained in Guantanamo Bay without charge had not strongly protested to the US – Australia and China.

“I have to say to you, as a friend, it is an appalling situation, and it’s not too late for your government to make amends.”

Mr Abbott replied that nothing would satisfy Mr Valder “short of repudiating everything that has been done.”

“I think it was right. I think it was a bitter necessity. If, in the end, this government and indeed its ministers are judged critically and harshly – even condemned by the voting public – let that be their fate.”

Citing British political philosopher Edmund Burke, he said: “I owe you my judgment, not my obedience. That is the fundamental principle at the heart of responsible government.”

More than 200 North Shore residents attended the forum. The other panelists were federal Labor MP Tanya Plibersek, Peter Macdonald – the independent who gave Abbott a run for his money at the 2001 election – and local human shield Donna Mulhearn.

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