As I see it, Webdiary is a moderated forum for readers’ contributions run by the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, online edition. Two features distinguish Webdiary from typical Internet forums on other news websites such as those at the BBC and Der Spiegel in Germany. First, the moderator, Margo Kingston, plays an active role in kick-starting discussions by including and elaborating on articles written as part of her normal journalistic duties.
Second, reader contributions vary in form from simple comments to articles to fully-fledged essays. The speed and cheapness of the Internet makes publishing a 50-kByte essay as straightforward as publishing a photograph illustrating the latest sporting event. The space restrictions – and concomitant imposition of form over substance – of commercial print media do not apply on the Internet. A commercial news organization can exploit the Internet’s strengths in this way when a moderator is prepared to put in a substantial amount of time to select and vet the contributions to be published.
The running conversation that arises between readers is richer in form than at any of the Internet forums I have seen, with the exception of a handful of Usenet newsgroups. The exciting thing about the format is that Webdiary has the potential to be part of the pulse of contemporary life, influencing and being influenced by it.
The moderator controls what is published in Webdiary, and it comes out under her name; therefore, “Webdiary ethics” means “the moderator’s professional ethics”. The moderator selects the contributions to appear and often makes minor alterations to them.
I understand that the Sydney Morning Herald’s online editorial hierarchy occasionally demands alterations to published material, which is very easily accomplished online. In other words, ultimately, the Sydney Morning Herald takes responsibility for content published on its website, and the company therefore imposes its own standard of ethics.
What ought to be a moderator’s ethics in a forum such as Webdiary, over and above what is expected of a journalist? Clearly, an essential difference with Webdiary is the volume and variety of readers’ contributions. Readers with many different types of worldview – both secular and religious, realist and antirealist, or partially-roasted melanges of all of these – with various levels of care of presentation, interact at “close quarters”. This can easily lead to clashes between personal ethical systems and a contributor’s conviction that somebody is behaving offensively towards them. This is particularly so when the argument is robust – a common occurrence in some “real world” circles, non-existent in others.
The moderator has to decide on some system of dealing with complaints – and which values out of a contradictory flux to uphold. This is a crucial point, for it brings into focus the enormous distance between a list of ethical behaviour delivered from “above” by the management or by a professional body, and the actual practice of ethics “at the coal-face”.
Quoting “professional ethics” out of some handbook is futile without personal judgement of how the guidelines are to be applied. Having the ability to judge implies the ethics have to be internalised and interpreted: they must be lived and asserted. Mindlessly regurgitating generalized guidelines cannot answer the question of whose definition of, say, “offensive” prevails; and certainly not every sensitivity can be catered for, nor should it be. Personal choices must be made, and personal responsibility must be taken.
I’d like to give two examples to illustrate the moderator’s necessity to choose and assert a value system. A strict Islamist would find any discussion of Allah or any questioning of Islam offensive; however, it is prudent that non-Muslim individuals, as well as non-fundamentalist Muslims, attempt to understand the nature of Islamic fundamentalism’s challenge to the modern order. In my opinion, in this case, a moderator must choose secular values of free enquiry, despite the fact that this will be offensive to some irrespective of how “sensitively” the discussion is carried out. In many countries, where barbaric mobs have ascended to power, free enquiry is punishable by death. We ought not be intimidated by this: we must do what is necessary for us to understand ourselves and our world. We must not allow our minds to be held captive by the barbaric mobs and their apologists. And we must be free to determine if our mind is already captive.
The second example is possibly somewhat more familiar to some Western readers of the present book. A commentator may notice a pattern of thinking in another interlocutor’s contributions that seem to predetermine the conclusions they reach. The commentator may attempt to tease out the main threads of the pattern, and construct something of a critical imprint of the interlocutor’s mind. However, a third reader may consider such an undertaking dreadfully ad hominem, preferring that all contributors be allowed to remain behind the mask of their choosing, without having their flaws paraded in public, which is aggressive and offensive. The charge is typically accompanied by a call to stop “playing the man”, and stick to the topic.
There is another view, however, that states, roughly: “history is to be understood in the present”. What is meant by this? Our picture of history can change radically if new evidence – or a new, valid interpretation consistent with the evidence – is discovered today. Moreover, our ability to discover things depends on how we put ideas together, how we learn to distinguish evidence from the chaff, how we see with the mind’s eye; in other words, whether and how we develop a hierarchy of thought – a standard of truth. The ability to know the past depends on the shape of our mind now.
It used to be widely accepted that knowledge of history, as well as of places and cultures separated from us in space rather than time, depends on the individual here and now; but this truth has faded from sight – from the mind’s eye – with the illusory fragmentation of disciplines in the last century or so.
So, a discussion about Iraq, or wherever, whenever, whose history is certainly currently relevant, can naturally end up focusing on the interlocutors. Generally, there are several shapes of mind, each with their strengths and weaknesses. If we are censored from speaking about personal weak points, then we are being prevented from understand ourselves and our world.
Whichever decision the Webdiary moderator makes, the result is aggressive: it isn’t possible to satisfy everybody, because some demands are contradictory. In a democracy where journalists are supposed to be scrutinizing power – in other words, in a secular and open society – there are far more important principles than being at pains not to hurt anybody’s feelings. Least of all the feelings of those abusing power. Knowing how to use power responsibly is the essence of ethics – in Webdiary, or anywhere else.